Afelia - Pork & Potatoes Cooked in Wine and Coriander Seeds


1½ Kilo of Pork Bacon Chops, cut into cubes
1½ Kilo Small New Potatoes, scrubbed clean
2 Cups of Dry Red Wine
½ Cup of Coriander Seeds, lightly crushed
1 Stick of Cinnamon
Some Oil for frying


Mix the wine with the coriander seeds and cinnamon to make a marinade.
Pour over the meat and marinade overnight or for about 4 hours in the fridge.
To prepare the potatoes you need to crush them lightly just to snap them a little so that they absorb all the juices when cooked.
When you are ready to start cooking, take the meat out of the marinade, keeping the marinade to one side.
Add the oil to a heavy based pan and on a low heat start browning the meat . Place in a cooking pot when cooked through and golden brown.
Add more oil to your pan and cook the potatoes until crispy. Add to the meat.
Now add the marinade to the the meat and potatoes and toss until well coated and simmer until the juices evaporate and you are left with a thick sauce. Season with salt and pepper.

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