Showing posts with label creativity development. Show all posts
Showing posts with label creativity development. Show all posts

How to Develop Child Creativity

1). Allow for your child to make simple choices, such as what to eat for dinner or where to go on a weekend. This encourages them to think independently, exercising an important aspect of creativity.
2).Encourage independence from caregivers and media. A child that is constantly entertained by others or the television will struggle to find things to do on their own without access to media.
3).Provide items in your child's environment to stimulate their imagination.Drawing supplies, blocks, books, and random craft supplies can all contribute to elaborate dramatic play schemes.
4).Brainstorm different uses for items with your child. For example, a cardboard tube can be a telescope, tower, or person. Validate all of your child's ideas, praising him or her for such an impressive imagination.
5). Ask your child open-ended questions to stretch their understanding and help them to postulate ideas.
Ask your child "what if" questions. "What if people could fly?" "What if people lived in space?" "What if dolphins walked on land?"
Involve your child in figuring out ways to make an improvement upon something. "How can we clean up the living room faster?" "How could we get water to the flowers without spilling any?" "What could we do to make the ball bounce higher?"

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