Showing posts with label January Events 2014. Show all posts
Showing posts with label January Events 2014. Show all posts

LPN January Competition

This Month's Competition Question 

Sponsored by
 Enoteca/Wine Bar Larnaca

Simply answer the following question and you could win a €20 Enomatic card.

When did Enoteca Wine Bar open ? 

The Winner will be announced on Friday 31st January ! Good Luck :0)

Our Enoteca/Wine Bar which opened on the 21st December 2013 is finally completed and fully operational. With our 3 ‘Enomatic Wine Serving dispensers’ intergraded into a common wine-card system, 16 different wines are served by the glass every day at their proper temperature.

Charge your own wine-card with any amount you wish and enjoy various wines by the glass at your own pace!

Our wine shop ‘The Oak Tree Wine Cellar’ right next to our Enoteca, gives you the option to select/open any of our 500+ different wines with an extra €8.00 per bottle serving charge from our retail prices.

Various types of cheese/meat platters are served to accompany your wines. We are open every day until late at night, except Monday!

Please give us a call at: 24815044 for more information.

Talk of The Town

Where: Larnaka Civil Marriage Office
When:  Wednesday 29th January 
Time:    8.00pm - 9.30pm 
Contact : 96585496

LPN is delighted to Welcome the Mayor of Larnaka Mr Andreas Louroutziatis to our January and start of year LPN monthly event. "Talk of the Town" giving us Parents & those of us in Business the opportunity to put questions to the Mayor and hear first hand the future development plans for Larnaka city .

The purpose of this event which will be in English is to encourage a dialogue between the residents of Larnaka and the Mayor, and to foster a greater sense of community. It will be a valuable opportunity to find out first-hand what is in store for Larnaka and to discuss with Mr Louroutziatis how this will impact us personally and professionally.

Parking will be available: turn right at body shop follow road to end of street you will see open parking on your left civil marriage office is on your right.

This is a Sponsored Event by Larnaca Parents Network.

Diary of Event -Larnaka Municipality

Education Exhibition in Larnaca

All students and parents are invited to the Education Exhibition at Ktima Makenzy on Sunday 12th January 10am-1pm and 2pm-6pm. Free entrance.

Ballet-tale «The Nutcracker» for kids in Larnaca

Miracles happen not only in the New Year night…

25 and 26 of January 2014 young spectators and their parents will have the unusual meeting: ballet-tale «The Nutcracker» 
(on motives of a fairy tale by E.Hoffman «The Nutcracker and the Mouse king»).

Music by Tchaikovsky.
Libretto by Marius Petipa (abridged version of the ballet performed at the Bolshoi Theatre, Moscow)

Together with the main character of ballet Marie you will find yourself in a room, lit by the moonlight. Suddenly the Christmas tree starts growing before your eyes and toys come alive. Something rustle from underneath of the floor and army of mice appears. Only resourcefulness of Marie and courage of Nutcracker chase away the evil witchcraft of the Mouse king. Wooden toy will turn into a beautiful young prince. Snowflakes swirl under the tender and wonderfully graceful music in the magical dance and Marie with Prince-Nutcracker will get in fairytale Kingdom of dreams…

The main ballet party are performed by professional artists (the soloists of the leading Moscow theatres). Support by students of the Moscow children's art school named after Mikhail Balakirev.

Duration of ballet - 55 minutes without intermission.
Recommended age – from 4 years.

PLACE and TIME of ballet:
25 of January 2014 – Nicosia, Russian cultural centre at 11.00
25 of January 2014 – Larnaca, Theatre SKALA at 17.00
26 of January 2014 - Pafos, Theatre MARKIDEO at 11.00
26 of January 2014 – Limassol, Theatre POLEMIDIA at 17.00.

Price 12 Euro.
More information 96 30 2770 and on

Мы все знаем, как трудно детям высидеть на одном месте длительное время.

Именно поэтому для первого путешествия в мир музыки Чайковского 25 и 26 января 2014 года мы выбрали адаптированную версию всемирно известного балета "Щелкунчик". 
Она длится всего 55 минут. 
За основу либретто взята постановка Мариуса Петипа, которая идет в Большом Театре России, г. Москва.

Еще специально для показа на Кипре волшебник Дроссельмеер в балете будет не только танцевать, но и говорить!
Причем говорить на двух языках: русском и английском. Очень короткая фраза - объяснение предваряет балетную партию, помогая детям понять язык танца, дать импульс их воображению.
Такими короткими фрагментами (слова и танец) дети смогут вживую познакомиться с прекрасным произведением, жемчужиной русского балета - феерией "Щелкунчик".

Основные балетные партии исполняют солисты ведущих московских театров.Кордебалет - ученики московской детской школы искусств им. А.М.Балакирева.

А если ваши дети уже знакомы с балетом, значит их ждет переход на более высокую ступеньку образованного и культурного восприятия - наслаждение от увиденного и услышанного!


25 января в 11.00 –Никосия, Русский культурный центр,
25 января в 17.00 – Ларнака, театр «СКАЛА»,
26 января в 11.00 - Пафос, театр «Маркидео»,
26 января в 17.00 – Лимассол, театр «Полемидия».

Стоимость билетов 12 евро.
Дополнительная информация по телефону 96 30 2770
и на сайте

Θέατρο ΡΙΑΛΤΟ/Τα Γουρουνάκια Κουμπαράδες/Λεμεσός

Μακάρι να 'τανε αλήθεια αγαπημένοι μου φίλοι! Στην Κουμπαριδουπάη δεν βρέχει συνηθισμένα...αλλά κάθε λογής νομίσματα με τα γουρουνάκια να τρέχουν προκειμένου να γεμίσουν τους κουμπαράδες τους, άλλα με πολλά και άλλα με λιγότερα χρήματα. Μια έξυπνη και δημιουργική παράσταση για παιδιά και για μεγάλους βγαλμένη από το έργο του Ευγένιου Τριβίζα. Το έργο αποτελεί συμπαραγωγή του Θεάτρου Ριάλτο και της Εταιρείας Θεατρικής Ανάπτυξης Λεμεσού. (Παραστάσεις θα δωθούν μόνο στα Ελληνικά) 

Σάββατο 4 Ιανουαρίου 2014, στις 4:00μμ
Κυριακή 5 Ιανουαρίου στις 11:00πμ & 4:00μμ
Σάββατο 11 Ιανουαρίου στις 4:00μμ
Κυριακή 12 Ιανουαρίου στις 11:00πμ & 4:00μμ

Ανδρέα Δρουσιώτη 19
Πλατεία Ηρώων
 Λεμεσός 3603

€7 / €5


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The Larnaca Parents Network was designed to generate awareness of local events, activities and facilities for families within the local community.

We openly encourage your original content, events and links for all relevant facilities and services.

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The information and materials contained on this blog have been compiled from a variety of sources, are subject to change without notice, may not be current and up-to-date, and should not be considered official public records.