Showing posts with label Kids & Teens. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kids & Teens. Show all posts

Kids Football In Cyprus

Football develops agility, speed and stamina, and also teaches children the importance of teamwork, so it can play an important part in your child’s physical and social development. There are approximately 9000 kids in Cyprus playing for football clubs and academies and because of this Cyprus has many football academies / clubs for kids and here you can find the right club for your child.

Football builds healthy kids

From a physical standpoint, football offers one of the best ways, if not the best way, for a child to get in top physical shape through participation in a youth sport. Playing football improves flexibility, cardiovascular capability, body composition (lowering the percentage of body fat while increasing muscle mass) and does not jar the body in the way that other sports can do.

Football grows self confidence

In addition to these physical benefits, footballers should experience a heightened sense of self-confidence and increased social skills. Playing in a team with other peers forces you to interact in ways you wouldn't learn at school. To win as a team, you must play as a team, which includes passing and communicating on the field. Your child may learn they are better at communicating on the pitch than they have been anywhere else up to that point. Generally, team actions are noticed more than individual actions.

Even though, as a parent, you may be worried about your child finding time for schoolwork when he or she is also juggling going to football practice or games, studies have shown that children who play competitive sports generally also perform at an above-average level in school. Whether this results from an increase in self-confidence, or an increase in physical energy which helps mental energy and stamina, it is good for your child to learn the lesson of balance in his or her daily life.

Football builds balance in life

As an adult, your child will have to balance work, family, health, and personal time in a very busy schedule. So it is always a good idea for your child to start early. Assist them in setting up and following a schedule, and they will begin to learn how to prioritise all of the necessary tasks and obligations that make up our daily lives.

Further Information : kids football cyprus/

Σχολή Μουσικής Ανδρέα Ζάκου

Αποστολή μας να μεταδώσουμε την αγάπη μας για την μουσική στα παιδιά κάθε ηλικίας προκειμένου να δημιουργήσουμε μια σταθερή βάση για το μέλλον της μουσικής στις μέρες μας.
Παρέχουμε υψηλής ποιότητας εκπαίδευση στις ολοκαίνουριες εγκαταστάσεις μας στον πύργο Νίκα δίπλα από το LIDL Αραδίππου. Όλες οι αίθουσες διδασκαλίας είναι πλήρως εξοπλισμένες με κλιματισμό.

Στη Σχολή Μουσικής Ανδρέα Ζάκου διδάσκονται τα ακόλουθα μαθήματα: Πίανο, Βιολί, κλασσική και ηλεκτρική κιθάρα, ντραμς, κλασσικό και έντεχνο τραγούδι καθώς και όλες οι θεωρίες της μουσικής.

Επίσης για νεογέννητα και παιδιά έως 7 ετών διδάσκουμε το ανά τον κόσμο γνωστό και αναγνωρισμένο μουσικό πρόγραμμα του κινήματος Kindermusik .

Επιπλέον προσφέρουμε δωρέαν δοκιμαστικό μάθημα της επιλογής σας.

Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες καλέστε 99594011, Ανδρέας Ζάκος
Nika Tower, Γραφείο 102 (1ος όροφος).
Αγίου Αντωνίου 6, 7102 Αραδίππου.
Δίπλα στο LIDL χώρο στάθμευσης.

Music School Andreas Zakos

The mission of the Music School Andreas Zakos is to make students -of any age- love music and to create a solid foundation for the development of music in our days.

In our Music School we can provide you with high quality education. We are situated in brand new premises at Nika Tower beside LIDL Aradippou. All classrooms are air conditioned andfully equipped.
We teach the following lessons: Piano, Violin, Classical and Electric Guitar, Drums, Classicand Modern Singing, all music theories and of course the world-known and recognized musicand movement program Kindermusik for children from newborn to 7 years old. We also offeryou a FREE trial lesson of your choice.

Just call 99594011, Andreas Zakos.
Nika Tower, Office 102 (1st floor).
Ayiou Antoniou 6, Aradippou 7102.
Next to LIDL Parking place.
Tel: 99 59 40 11

Kendo Martial Arts

For further Information please call : 97638173

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