Home-made Mincemeat

Today's the 25th, that's 2 months to go for my favourite holiday! Christmas is nearly here!! It's time to start preparing and the first thing on my list is home-made mince-meat. Just so unbelievable simple to make and even if you buy the best quality available on the market, believe me, there is no comparison!! Just the thought of your home filling up with those lovely aromas of orange, cinnamon, nutmeg and allspice, makes it all worthwhile! I've been using this recipe for years now, making triple this quantity, to make my own mince-pies and leaving enough to spoon into pretty jars to give as lovely home-made Christmas gifts and also plenty left over to use through-out the year, adding to apple pies and crumples for that extra wow-factor!! It really is worth the while; give it a try this year!


450g Cooking apples, peeled, cored and finely chopped
225g shredded suet
350g raisins
225g sultanas
225g currants
225g mixed peel, finely chopped
350g dark brown sugar
Grated rind and juice of 2 oranges
Grated rind and juice of 2 lemons
100g almonds, cut into slivers
4 tsp mixed spice
½ tsp cinnamon
1 tsp nutmeg
6 tbsp brandy


Just mix all the ingredients, except for the brandy. Cover with a cloth and leave for 12 hours. To prevent fermentation place mincemeat in a cool oven, (120c,gas mark ¼ ) for 3 hours. Allow to cool completely and stir in the brandy. Spoon into clean dry jars and seal.


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