Pathways Connect - Cyprus

The purpose of Pathways Connect is to learn and build solid relationships with other families concerned about conscious choice and family wellness.

Pathways Connect offers us a community to support each other in our conscious choices for family wellness. Using Pathways magazine as a springboard for topics, we will discuss each new quarterly issue’s articles at our Gathering Groups.

Our Pathways Connect Gathering Groups Offer:

• Trustworthy and current information from the conscious choice magazine, Pathways to Family    Wellness.
• Outstanding resources provided through Pathways Connect’s monthly Dialogue and Resource Guide.
• Continuous support for your individual family wellness choices from
• A community of like-minded parents to connect with.

Our meetings will be run monthly in Larnaca, Nicosia and Kyrenia. You are welcome to come to any of the meetings.

Larnaca meeting will always be on the 1st Friday of the month at 8pm . 

We hope to see you then and encourage you to bring a friend or two.

Please Contact : Veronika for further information Tel: 

Thank you for visiting us

The Larnaca Parents Network was designed to generate awareness of local events, activities and facilities for families within the local community.

We openly encourage your original content, events and links for all relevant facilities and services.

Please send all information to:

You can also share through our Facebook Group.

The information and materials contained on this blog have been compiled from a variety of sources, are subject to change without notice, may not be current and up-to-date, and should not be considered official public records.