We always know better! - Paula Manoli-Gray

A couple of weeks into this new diversion in Vergina, and I am still fuming.

For those not familiar with the area, the diversion is a result of the new big roundabout that has been constructed near the stadium/hospital. There used to be a quick way out of my area, but they blocked it off permanently as part of the new road system and have diverted us – literally 'around the houses' - until the new exit is completed by the end of the year.

Now, I am not an unreasonable person and I understand that diversions are necessary, but what I cannot accept is that 'they' would create a time-consuming diversion that will last for months and cause great inconvenience when 'they' could have finished the new exit first, before permanently closing off the old one.

Does that not seem logical? Or is there some really important reason why they decided to leave the new exit till last and divert people. If there is, I would like to know it, but I personally believe it is just a lack of sensible planning and a complete disregard for what it actually means for people in the area to have to take this diversion several times a day for months on end.
This is one of those situations when I think I could have planned it better than the experts, and let's face it, we have all felt this before! How many times have you seen something in Larnaca and thought to yourself 'who on earth thought this was a good idea?' Some of the mistakes beggar belief, and you just know that behind them is someone who was handsomely paid for their mess!

I don't want to belittle the professionals who plan for the town and make projects happen, as I am sure there are many who are experts and do the job well, but sometimes one has to wonder who the other half are and how they got their jobs.

But maybe it is too easy for us little citizens to sit back and point out all the mistakes without actually having the experience of making these kind of big decisions… Which is why I think that the municipal council should open itself up to suggestions and ideas from the public when it comes to making big decisions instead of hiring consultants and experts who often expensively fudge it up.

I bet there are many people in Larnaca who care enough to offer sensible, innovative and successful ideas – either based on experience abroad or just plain logic - and I can imagine Larnaca thriving with input from its citizens.

Imagine if the residents of Vergina were asked about the diversion, I am sure they would have come up with something far more logical and convenient. In the same way, I am sure the residents of Piale Pashia could have reminded the powers-that-be that they actually need somewhere to park. And it doesn't take an expert to work out that there are ways to stop our roads flooding at the slightest bit of rain.

Sometimes it's the people on the ground who live and breathe a town that truly know what's best for it, not the men in suits.

First appeared in The Cyprus Weekly, 03/10/14

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