My friend Dr. Cat is at it again! Her kaleidoscopic mind has been whirling and whirling.... Her new project - the result of her extensive study on autistic children - is astonishing. Mind - blowing in fact. She and a Robotic Engineer from Egypt, are in the process of designing and creating a robot called AutiZmo, who will be able to scan an autistic child and detect what he or she is feeling and thinking. He (AutiZmo) will then be able to translate these feelings to the child's parents and anyone who wishes to communicate with them. I know, it sounds like something out of a science fiction novel.
While she was explaining her ideas to me, scenes from 'A.I.' and 'Biocentennial Man' were flashing in my mind. But this is actually happening...
As the mother of an ASD child that was non-verbal for so many years, I can truly appreciate how this will change our lives. I am lucky that my son is now verbal, but the years of trying to guess what he wanted or to justify to others or to myself even, why he was having a meltdown or was less concentrated than usual, or was out of sorts, even for him - were both tough and heartbreaking. For some days I would openly weep in front of him...begging him to tell me what was wrong, what could I do to help him/fix it/take the pain away. And it is on those days that as a mother (or father) you feel like a complete failure.
So I welcome AutiZmo with open arms. If his existence not only helps children like my son communicate, but also allows parents like me to understand what they are thinking and going through even before they are verbal... well Dr. Cat will have created a truly remarkable gift for autistic children worldwide.
Dr. Cat and Mr. Robotic Engineer told me that they have decided that this will be the beginning of revolutionising the world of Autism, and I am 100% behind them all the way!
*If you wish to learn more about AutiZmo firsthand, then Dr. Cat will be talking about it live on SIGMA this Tuesday night (15th December) at 9pm.*