Our great experience
Dear mummies, from the beginning of my article I would like to tell you : “Take a Kindermusic course with your baby and don’t lose this chance to give such a great possibility to your little darling to enjoy it!!!
exploring the balls, their shape and how you can roll them
When Karolina was 10 months old we started Kindermusic with Anja Village classes where there were four other babies of the same age approximately. From the first two classes I noticed how my daughter reacted on sounds of music, various instruments like shakers, or drums, different timbers of voices, high and low pitches, etc. I saw how much Karolina loved atmosphere and company there, how much she enjoyed it. Week by week my baby was developing so fast that sometimes I couldn’t even expect new things from her, but my little diamond could do it already. And the influences of music, the impact from our Kindermusik classes were really great, I should say, I think it took and still takes even first roles.
playing in animals with different materials, voicing ducks or dogs, or cats was of a big interest for little gems
Every time when I tell Karolina “We go to Anja, to Kindermusik”, she starts dancing one of songs from previous semester “Jolly is the miller” which she likes a lot. And this really impresses me how much happiness and light you can see in her eyes from this music. Every day Karolina asks me to switch on the CD from “Cock’a doodle moo!” Village class (showing on music centre or just dancing)and believe me, CD runs not only one or two times even. It seems, she is never tired. Karolina knows movements for each dance we did during the class or she knows what she must do under this or that song. There is a rhyme about 5 cows (a kind of game for fingers), the first cow eats grass, the second- hay, the third drinks water, the forth runs away and the fifth lies down the whole day. Karolina makes the sound of chewing, drinking or sleeping. Or there is a song “Hop up, my baby“ which has “high and low” workout . Karolina raises her hands up when it must be because she remembers mummy was going up with her on refrain, or she voices horse which is actually one of the main characters in this song. She turns around, makes steps forward and back under her favourite song “Jolly is the miller”. It is really amazing.
exploring the bells, the sound of it attracts much attention
I also see how nice Karolina goes in contact with other babies who are younger her and how she watches them, their reactions and joy, and their exploration of new things. There is a small girl who was about 4,5 months when only started the group and now Sophia is almost 8 months . It was very sweet to see how she waved the first time her hand under “HELLO-HELLO!” song, she replied to others when they were waving their hands under the words “hello, hello, let’s sing together…”And such little moments you can enjoy together with other mummy, share her happiness as if it was done the first time by your little one. There are also 2 girls – Marilena and Maria - who sing like birds together when they listen to their favourite melodies. It is fantastic to watch their intercommunication, as if they really have a chat and understand each other. Later Sophia joins them and so does Lia. Lia is a very smiling baby and as we know from her mum Vanja, Lia makes her homework very well. She plays with spoons and bowls at home like she played drums during the class. There was also a boy Theo in our group who likes to roll the ball with a great joy or to play Peek-a-boo with scarfs, and you could even see sun shining from his blue eyes .His smile charges with lots of energy.
this activity was the BEST fun for both mum & baby
It is unforgettable to see how all our children get acquainted and learn different new things from this world of sounds. All of babies love when we take them on hands and go forward to circle, facing them to each other and then go back. Or how we trot or gallop under music around the room. Or when we play drums or with scarfs. You can see achievements in development for each baby and this is the biggest appreciation.
Each class is focused on something specific what we are told about from the beginning. Then a choice of songs from the whole course is devoted exactly to this or that element. Babies are given variety of instruments, items to explore. Everything is accompanied by music (recorded or we sing it). If you are shy or don’t remember the words, there is no need to worry since all text songs are on posters and you can easily join singing for your baby, what makes it more comfortable. We also have our home materials which include a CD with songs, a book, some posters and an instrument (by the way, we have a good collection with Karolina: a bell, a shaker, a scarf, etc.) We can do the same activities at home and if you forget something, Anja is always helpful and in time. We get email after each class with information what we did, what else we can do at home with our darlings and what must be in great attention, in focus.
Kindermusik is not only classes, it is already like meetings with your friends with music and some activities, jokes, sharing about what’s new is done by your baby, chatting. The only thing that I feel sorry that I didn’t know about such course before, when Karolina was 3-4 months, otherwise we could enjoy it much earlier. That is why I recommend all mummies to try it and see what kind of results your baby will have.
Last Thursday we started a new semester “Dews Drops” Village which we were waiting after 2 weeks of break. And we are all excited what new it will bring and give to our sunshines. May be someone will join us too, we are all waiting for more smiles and singing on our classes.
By Dina Proskurina
"stay at home" Mum
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