Spring Flower craft

I love spring! Its not too hot, or too cold. Its the time when everything comes to life again. Its a great season for spending time with the kids outdoors to explore, examine, run, plant the garden, look at the ants and other insects. A season full of educational possibilities!

Following our spring theme, here is another fun and colourful craft. This time we made a flower from felt.

What you'll need
Yellow felt
Felt of another colour for petals (we used pink and purple)
Green colour felt or paper
Thick piece of paper

Emma chose the colours she wanted to use and of course she picked pink and purple, so here is how we did our flower.

Either let your child cut the felt into small pieces or do it yourself.

Draw a flower on a thicker piece of paper. Let your child add glue to the page, make sure its not too thick, so take off any excess glue with a brush.

Start with gluing the yellow middle and continue with the petals. If you choose two colours for your flower just let your child haphazardly add different colours to each petal.

Use glue to make a flower stalk and let your child glue the green felt or paper.

And voila! Your simple spring felt flower is finished! A fun craft done in no time to grace your spring wall!

If you'd like some more of our craft ideas visit Emma's Lunch


The AA International Cookbook project

In the current economically challenging climate, it is refreshing to see community-based organizations pursue original ways to raise funds. Marilyn Simeou, Victoria Efstathiou and Litsa Neocleous, all parents of children attending the American Academy Junior School, have done just that by adopting a traditionally Northern Irish method of raising essential income, to produce a Cookbook. Moreover, the genius of this idea is that it involves parents, friends, family and children alike in the process. After all, the great American Motivator Steven Covey says, “without involvement there is no commitment”.

The brain behind the development of this captivating project is Marilyn Simeou who shares an active interest in catering and hospitality. Marilyn was strongly supported by Victoria Efstathiou who did much to coordinate and push the project along, and Litsa Neocleous who took care of the editing and graphics. This passion projected by all three parents is clearly reflected in the pages of the Cookbook.

More specifically, the Cookbook will feature a wide range of International dishes from starters to main courses and Desserts, which cover a plethora of cultural differences and tastes that represent the pupils within the school

We used the word “project” in the title of this article, as one can only imagine the time and complexity of communicating with parents, students and family to bring over 100 recipes together in a consistent format. It is also pleasing to see that the children from the school will contribute the artwork, which proactively showcases their work.

The fund raising part comes in the form of advertising within the Cookbook, which enables local businesses to generate awareness of their products and services to a targeted audience. All of the proceeds will all go towards the school and a wide range of equipment for the children. For any business owners or managers reading, the inexpensive rates and contact information are as follows…

Full Page: 100 euro
Half Page: 50 euro
Business card Listing: 30 euro

Contact Information
Marilyn Simeou
Tel: 99144336
e mail: marilynsimeou@yahoo.com

It is also worth to mention that the American Academy is a non-profit organization. As such the Cookbook is just one example of how to raise funds for the School. The AA International Cookbook is due to be printed and released in the coming month. There is a great sense anticipation among all pupils and parents alike to view the final product after nearly a year’s creative work in the making.

Written by

Sharon Mckinley

Larnaca Municipality Press Release 7th-13th May 2012

This weekly press release is part of an effort to inform our citizens and the public in general about the activities of our Municipality.

Cultural Events in English for  May
Cultural Events in Greek for May

For more information call the Larnaca Municipality Cultural Department on 24657745 or 24629333

Construction work
The Department of Construction of the Municipality of Larnaca informs the public that between 07/05-13/05/2012, the following construction work will be in progress:
  • Pavement construction in the Shopping Centre.
  • Drain covers cleaning on the streets Ag. Anargiron, Mitropoleos area and Kilkis.
  • Premix construction on the streets: Stavrou Poskoti and Mitropoleos area.
Finance Department
The Larnaca Municipality Finance Department informs the public that payment of the Municipal Property Tax, Corporate Tax and Business Premises Permit for the year 2011 as well as for the previous years is possible only at Larnaca Municipality Offices. A 10% fine will be added on the initial tax amount.

As far as the Refuse Collection Tax is concerned, the payment deadline has already passed and legal proceedings have begun.

The public should settle their payments to Larnaca Municipality on time and within the given deadlines to avoid added legal and court costs.

Visit the website: www.larnaka.com

Energy Team and Environmental Management Department: www.larnaka202020.eu

Contact: 24816559, 24816581/email: perivallon@larnaca.com

Translation kindly provided by
Eri Constantinou

Kid Blogger - School meal shockers

Croquettes, an ice lolly and cucumber... lunch for pupils exposed online by 9-year-old campaigner Martha
Martha Payne began adding daily photos of school lunches to own blog site
Site chalked up 40,000 hits yesterday

It began with a snap of a similarly measly meal – a slice of pizza and a potato croquette, alongside a sprinkling of sweetcorn, a cupcake for dessert and a lot of empty space.
She posted the picture on an internet blog and began to add daily snaps of her lunches, rating and commenting on them.
When she first checked her NeverSeconds website for reaction, it boasted only three hits.

Yesterday her NeverSeconds blog was trending on Twitter – and chalked up an astonishing 40,000 hits. Martha, who is supervised by her father, said: ‘I was gobsmacked. I never expected to get so much interest.’
And the food? ‘It’s usually pretty horrible,’ she said.
‘I’d like them to serve more, and maybe let some people  have seconds if they want to... and not serve stuff that’s a wee bit disgusting.’
Her campaign to improve school dinners echoes the one spearheaded by Jamie Oliver

Because Martha’s home is on the west coast of Scotland, however, standards for school meals differ and widespread improvements in the rest of Britain appear not to have been applied.
But Martha’s fearless exposé of daily fare at her (unnamed) school prompted global discussion about shockingly unhealthy food being served.
One nutritionist branded the lunches ‘scary’. Another praised her for ‘speaking out’.
Martha, whose mother Rebecca is a GP, began the blog because she is interested in writing.
With permission from teachers, she photographed her £2 lunches and wrote about them.
Over to Martha, writing on the blog: ‘The pizza in the first pic was alright but I’d have enjoyed more than one croquette. I’m a growing kid and I need to concentrate all afternoon and I cant do it on one croquette. Do any of you think you could?’
She awards it six out of ten on the ‘Food-o-meter’ but it scores only four for health.
And later she wrote: ‘Today’s meal was on the menu as cheeseburger and ice cream/biscuit but as you can see I got an ice lolly. I prefer ice cream. I wish they had stuck to the menu.’
Her father Dave, who manages a smallholding at home, said: ‘It really seems to have touched a nerve. I joked that it would probably go viral. I really didn’t believe it would.’

Read more: Daily Mail

Kindermusik with Anja

Our great experience
Dear mummies, from the beginning of my article I would like to tell you : “Take a Kindermusic course with your baby and don’t lose this chance to give such a great possibility to your little darling to enjoy it!!!

exploring the balls, their shape and how you can roll them

When Karolina was 10 months old we started Kindermusic with Anja Village classes where there were four other babies of the same age approximately. From the first two classes I noticed how my daughter reacted on sounds of music, various instruments like shakers, or drums, different timbers of voices, high and low pitches, etc. I saw how much Karolina loved atmosphere and company there, how much she enjoyed it. Week by week my baby was developing so fast that sometimes I couldn’t even expect new things from her, but my little diamond could do it already. And the influences of music, the impact from our Kindermusik classes were really great, I should say, I think it took and still takes even first roles.
playing in animals with different materials, voicing ducks or dogs, or cats was of a big interest for little gems

Every time when I tell Karolina “We go to Anja, to Kindermusik”, she starts dancing one of songs from previous semester “Jolly is the miller” which she likes a lot. And this really impresses me how much happiness and light you can see in her eyes from this music. Every day Karolina asks me to switch on the CD from “Cock’a doodle moo!” Village class (showing on music centre or just dancing)and believe me, CD runs not only one or two times even. It seems, she is never tired. Karolina knows movements for each dance we did during the class or she knows what she must do under this or that song. There is a rhyme about 5 cows (a kind of game for fingers), the first cow eats grass, the second- hay, the third drinks water, the forth runs away and the fifth lies down the whole day. Karolina makes the sound of chewing, drinking or sleeping. Or there is a song “Hop up, my baby“ which has “high and low” workout . Karolina raises her hands up when it must be because she remembers mummy was going up with her on refrain, or she voices horse which is actually one of the main characters in this song. She turns around, makes steps forward and back under her favourite song “Jolly is the miller”. It is really amazing.

exploring the bells, the sound of it attracts much attention

I also see how nice Karolina goes in contact with other babies who are younger her and how she watches them, their reactions and joy, and their exploration of new things. There is a small girl who was about 4,5 months when only started the group and now Sophia is almost 8 months . It was very sweet to see how she waved the first time her hand under “HELLO-HELLO!” song, she replied to others when they were waving their hands under the words “hello, hello, let’s sing together…”And such little moments you can enjoy together with other mummy, share her happiness as if it was done the first time by your little one. There are also 2 girls – Marilena and Maria - who sing like birds together when they listen to their favourite melodies. It is fantastic to watch their intercommunication, as if they really have a chat and understand each other. Later Sophia joins them and so does Lia. Lia is a very smiling baby and as we know from her mum Vanja, Lia makes her homework very well. She plays with spoons and bowls at home like she played drums during the class. There was also a boy Theo in our group who likes to roll the ball with a great joy or to play Peek-a-boo with scarfs, and you could even see sun shining from his blue eyes .His smile charges with lots of energy.

this activity was the BEST fun for both mum & baby

It is unforgettable to see how all our children get acquainted and learn different new things from this world of sounds. All of babies love when we take them on hands and go forward to circle, facing them to each other and then go back. Or how we trot or gallop under music around the room. Or when we play drums or with scarfs. You can see achievements in development for each baby and this is the biggest appreciation.

Each class is focused on something specific what we are told about from the beginning. Then a choice of songs from the whole course is devoted exactly to this or that element. Babies are given variety of instruments, items to explore. Everything is accompanied by music (recorded or we sing it). If you are shy or don’t remember the words, there is no need to worry since all text songs are on posters and you can easily join singing for your baby, what makes it more comfortable. We also have our home materials which include a CD with songs, a book, some posters and an instrument (by the way, we have a good collection with Karolina: a bell, a shaker, a scarf, etc.) We can do the same activities at home and if you forget something, Anja is always helpful and in time. We get email after each class with information what we did, what else we can do at home with our darlings and what must be in great attention, in focus.

Kindermusik is not only classes, it is already like meetings with your friends with music and some activities, jokes, sharing about what’s new is done by your baby, chatting. The only thing that I feel sorry that I didn’t know about such course before, when Karolina was 3-4 months, otherwise we could enjoy it much earlier. That is why I recommend all mummies to try it and see what kind of results your baby will have.

Last Thursday we started a new semester “Dews Drops” Village which we were waiting after 2 weeks of break. And we are all excited what new it will bring and give to our sunshines. May be someone will join us too, we are all waiting for more smiles and singing on our classes.

By Dina Proskurina
"stay at home" Mum
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