In the current economically challenging climate, it is refreshing to see community-based organizations pursue original ways to raise funds. Marilyn Simeou, Victoria Efstathiou and Litsa Neocleous, all parents of children attending the American Academy Junior School, have done just that by adopting a traditionally Northern Irish method of raising essential income, to produce a Cookbook. Moreover, the genius of this idea is that it involves parents, friends, family and children alike in the process. After all, the great American Motivator Steven Covey says, “without involvement there is no commitment”.
The brain behind the development of this captivating project is Marilyn Simeou who shares an active interest in catering and hospitality. Marilyn was strongly supported by Victoria Efstathiou who did much to coordinate and push the project along, and Litsa Neocleous who took care of the editing and graphics. This passion projected by all three parents is clearly reflected in the pages of the Cookbook.
More specifically, the Cookbook will feature a wide range of International dishes from starters to main courses and Desserts, which cover a plethora of cultural differences and tastes that represent the pupils within the school
We used the word “project” in the title of this article, as one can only imagine the time and complexity of communicating with parents, students and family to bring over 100 recipes together in a consistent format. It is also pleasing to see that the children from the school will contribute the artwork, which proactively showcases their work.
The fund raising part comes in the form of advertising within the Cookbook, which enables local businesses to generate awareness of their products and services to a targeted audience. All of the proceeds will all go towards the school and a wide range of equipment for the children. For any business owners or managers reading, the inexpensive rates and contact information are as follows…
Full Page: 100 euro
Half Page: 50 euro
Business card Listing: 30 euro
Contact Information
Marilyn Simeou
Tel: 99144336
e mail:
It is also worth to mention that the American Academy is a non-profit organization. As such the Cookbook is just one example of how to raise funds for the School. The AA International Cookbook is due to be printed and released in the coming month. There is a great sense anticipation among all pupils and parents alike to view the final product after nearly a year’s creative work in the making.
Written by
Sharon Mckinley