Chakra in Sanskrit, Indian, means ‘wheel’, Chakras being whirling concentrated energy centres aligned along your spinal column, which receive, assimilate and pass on life force energy (also called ‘ki’, ‘chi’ or ‘prana’ by various ancient civilisations) to all their relevant physical glands, organs and body parts in their designated region via your Meridian lines and Nadis. Chakras are documented as far back by Hindus as 2,500 years BC, who appreciated that activated and balanced Chakras were the key to holistic health and healing.
So far so good, however chakras get sluggish and ineffective at distributing this life sustaining energy when blocked by unexpressed emotions (either positive, as in unexpressed love or negative as in unexpressed anger). emotions. The ancient Chinese expertly linked certain emotions to certain chakras, in brief (and by no means in full):-
RED Root / Mulhadra Chakra (base of trunk) - lack of material abundance, not being ‘grounded’ and sexual issues will cause this chakra to malfunction.
ORANGE Sacral / Svadhisthana Chakra (just bellow belly button) - fear, lack of creativity and parenting issues adversely affects this chakra.
YELLOW Solar Plexus / Manipura Chakra (diaphragm area) - anger, depression, not being in touch with your ‘gut’ feelings incapacitates this Chakra.
GREEN Heart / Anahata Chakra (heart area) - heart ache, shut down love both in giving and receiving, sadness and not listening to your hearts true desires disables this Chakra.
BLUE Throat / Vissudha Chakra (throat region) – not expressing your emotional needs or clearly communicating with others. Not listening or empathising with others.
INDIGO Third Eye / Adjna Chakra (middle of brow) - only works at optimum levels when you’re open to receiving and working with your inner visions.
PURPLE Crown / Sahasara Chakra (crown of head) – lack of ego subjugation for true en-light-enment and connecting with the universal knowledge that all geniuses (Mozart, Einstein, Plato etc) tapped into obstructs this Chakra’s proper functioning.
Many years ago authorities on Meditating stipulated that the chakras spun either clockwise or anticlockwise with regards each chakra or which gender of person was meditating. However, such rules no longer exist, it is up to you, during this meditation, to sense into which way your chakras are spinning (which, if you have been actively putting the past 4 weeks meditative techniques into practise 2-3 times a week, will be easier for you to sense into).
On the Meditation Courses that I run, even in the Beginners Course, you will gain a deeper understanding of how people or situations can either ‘top up’ or deplete your chakras energies, and also, how trauma in your childhood or societal pressure and conformity, can have shut down specific chakras in your body, causing physical dis-ease in that Chakras region. To counteract this, it is good to get conversant with Chakra spinning and clearing meditations, regularly including them in your everyday life.
As before, makes yourself comfortable, follow the tips from the last few weeks and then remember that, as with all meditations, there are no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ responses or feelings, if you sense all your chakras are rotating the same way or in a haphazard way, this is fine, just go with your intuition. With closed eyes:-
“Sense or inwardly visualise your ruby red root Chakra spinning faster and faster. After a few minutes sense into which way this whirling energy is flowing. Then sense, feel, visualise this chakra growing brighter and brighter, glowing all around your lower body, energising all your organs and glands and bodily parts* therein.
[* You can visualise these as your lower intestines, female and male lower reproductive tissues, hips and top of your thighs or not, it is up to you.]
Next, sense into the area just below your belly button, sensing, feeling or visualising your orange Sacral chakra spinning faster and faster. After a few minutes, sense which way it is flowing. Then feel, visualise this chakra glowing brighter and brighter, glowing all around your belly area, energising all your organs and glands and bodily parts* therein.
[* Spleen, Sexual organs, Kidneys & Adrenal glands, lower back, bladder, and upper intestines]
Next, sense into the area just below your diaphragm, sensing, feeling or visualising your yellow Solar Plexus Chakra spinning faster and faster. After a few minutes, sense which way this vortice is spinning. Then feel, visualise this chakra glowing brighter and brighter, glowing a sunny yellow energy all around your rib area, energising all your organs and glands and bodily part* therein.
[*Stomach, pancreas, liver, gallbladder, spleen and lower ribs]
Next, sense into the spinal region of your heart, sensing, feeling or visualising your green Heart Chakra spinning faster and faster. After a few minutes, sense which way this vortice is flowing. Then feel, visualise this chakra glowing brighter and brighter, glowing a green emerald light all around your heart area, energising all your organs and glands and bodily parts* therein.
[* Heart, lungs, arms, chest and hands and thymus]
Next, sense into your throat region, sensing, feeling or visualising your cornflower blue throat chakra spinning faster and faster. After a few minutes, sense which way this whirling mass is spinning. Then feel, visualise this chakra glowing brighter and brighter, glowing a healing and purifying blue light all around your throat area, energising all your organs and glands and bodily parts there.
[Thyroid & Parathyroid, upper lungs, throat, voice and vocal chords, jaw, neck & shoulders]
Next, sense into your mid brow region, sensing, feeling or visualising your indigo Third Eye chakra spinning faster and faster. After a few minutes, sense into which way this whirling energy is spinning. Then feel, visualise this chakra glowing brighter and brighter, glowing indigo light all around your brow area, energising all your organs and glands and bodily parts* therein.
[* Eyes, ears, nose, hypothalamus, endocrine system, head, face, pituitary gland, nervous system and brain]
Next, sense into the top of your head, sensing, feeling or visualising your purple Crown chakra spinning faster and faster. After a few minutes sense which way this vortice is flowing. Then feel, visualise this chakra glowing brighter and brighter, glowing violet light all around the top of your head, energising all your organs and glands and bodily parts* therein.”
[* Central nervous system, Pineal gland & brain]
Enjoy and do feel free to let us know how you got on!
To fully enjoy the benefits and connectivity with your Chakras phone Kara on: 97-743357 to reserve a place on her meditation courses being run from The Lighthouse and Gaia Wellness Centre in Larnaca.