A dog is a dog - Paula Manoli-Gray

When the weather is at this perfect balance of mild and dry, I love to walk as the rest of the year is pretty much a no-go for a comfortable stroll.

I live in the area of Vergina, and my neighbourhood provides a nice, challenging walk of various gradients, but I fear that I will have to abandon my walks, and it's not because of dirty, cracked pavements or the cars that park fully on them… the spanner in the works comes in the form of sharp teeth and loud yapping…

There seems to be a common practice for dog owners in my area to allow their pets the freedom of coming in and out of their home, something which I am vehemently against. There are several streets where I have recently had yapping dogs follow me down the road, nipping dangerously at my heels. So far, these have been small dogs and puppies and if I truly felt the need to defend myself, a swift kick would do it (not my preference I hasten to add.)

But whilst I am an adult, small children playing in the area could end up the victims of a dog attack. Furthermore, there are several large and vicious looking dogs that are straining to get out at me, and there is a very real possibility that they could achieve this with enough pulling, barking and ferocity.

Dog lovers won't like what I am about to say, but I say it out of fear of an inevitable attack one day. No matter how loved or part of the family you feel your dog is, at the end of the day you can never, ever guarantee that it won't turn. There I said it! Dogs are animals and by their very nature they are unpredictable and work on a survival instinct that will kick in rather suddenly and violently where there is a perceived threat – real or otherwise. I therefore implore dog owners to keep their dogs on their premises. It is not right on any level to allow them the freedom to roam around the neighbourhood unsupervised for the safety of others, and the dogs themselves who are at risk of causing or becoming victims of a car accident.

My sister has a huge, soft, fuzzy, marshmallow cloud of a dog. He is a smiley, gentle, good-natured Samoyed and everyone who knows him knows he is the loveliest, friendliest thing. But, even she tells people with children to exercise caution, despite the fact she trusts him implicitly because, as she says, 'at the end of the day he is an animal.' I think she has the right attitude of love for her pet, balanced with caution, that at the end of the day, no animal is truly under the control of a human.

I am both sad and angry that I may not be able to walk around my area without feeling fear and intimidation from dogs that can come and go as they please, and I can only hope and pray that their yapping and nipping at my heels is the worse anyone in the area will witness or experience… but what if it turns out not to be?

First appeared in The Cyprus Weekly - 15/02/14

Photo Booth

TH.e PARTY starts HERE! There is no better way to inject fun and excitement at your next event or promotion than with our photobooth. Perfect for weddings, birthdays,company parties & promotions.


The newest & most fun way to entertain your guests & leave them and you with something to remember your... wedding, christening, birthday party, corporate event or promotion.


Rio 2 movie music workshop for Kids

Rio 2 movie music workshop for Kids. 
Free Entrance and  food K Cineplex Ciokoland play centre 
Saturday 1st of march  5:30pm

Sinful Chocolate Sauce

It's Valentine's Day…..a day of love and passion….perfect day for my Sinful Chocolate Sauce, served with a variety of succulent pieces of fruit  …no plates required……….Enjoy!!!!
What I need….
250g Semisweet Chocolate. Chopped
¾ cup Milk
1 cup cream
2 tablespoons butter
1 teaspoon vanilla, or liquor of your choice, like amaretto or coffee. Spices are good too, like cinnamon and nutmeg or if you really want to heat things up, just add a little chilli powder.
How to do it…..
Place chocolate in a medium bowl and set aside, just leave it alone and do not touch…for now….
In a medium saucepan combine milk, and all that luscious rich cream and butter and cook over medium heat until mixture just about comes to a boil and looks hot and steamy….
Remove from the heat and gently but firmly pour over the chocolate….and just watch those two ingredients mingle and melt into each other…..mmmmm…
Allow mixture to sit, undisturbed, for 1 to 2 minutes, just so it rests and feels comfortable and soon it will be surprised with what is about to come..
Whisk mixture until all chocolate melts and the sauce is very, very smooth and velvety to the touch….
Now whisk in flavourings…very hard and quickly and serve immediately with pieces of juicy, succulent fruit,….…and I mean right now!! No plates required….XXXXXX

Major infrastructure projects will incorporate shared bicycle/pedestrian lanes - Paula Manoli-Gray

During his English talk for the Larnaca Parents Network (LPN) at the end of January, Larnaca Mayor – Andreas Louroutziatis - outlined the major infrastructure projects taking place in the town, which include a large network of bicycle lanes.

The mayor and his Municipal Council approved four pillars at the start of their term - Development, Employment, Efficiency and Social Solidarity. As the mayor explained, the first pillar is concerned with improving the town's infrastructure: "By development we mean the development of infrastructure and major projects; the quality of the citizens' daily life in terms of pedestrian sidewalks, and the ability to move; more greenery in the town, and the development of different aspects that signify quality of life for citizens."

The redesign of Piale Pasha – which connects the Finikoudes promenade with the area of Mckenzie - is one of the projects currently taking place, and is due to finish by the end of June this year. The mayor admitted that the project is not without its problems: "Piale Pashia is a challenge. It was designed without taking parking (for residents and delivery trucks) into consideration and we are currently looking at options to resolve this issue, one of which is plots in the area that could be used for resident parking."

The major roadworks that are taking place in the area of the stadium down to the cinema are due to finish in September and will incorporate bicycle lanes. The redesign of Pallas Square (near Cyta's main building) will begin in September and finish in April 2014, making the road one-way. Bicycle lanes will also be added to areas that are not going to be reconstructed such as Artemidos Avenue (the old airport road), and the Limassol road. All in all, the bicycle network will total 52 kilometres and will be significant in facilitating movement, as well as encouraging the environmentally positive practice of using bicycles over cars by making riding both safer and easier. Many of the bicycle lanes will serve as shared lanes with pedestrians, thus also making walking safer and more pleasant.

First appeared in The Cyprus Weekly - 08/02/14

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