Don’t tamper with time! Paula Manoli-Gray

By the time you are reading this, we will be a week into the clock change and no doubt you will have forgotten all about the 'old time'.

Well, maybe you will, but for some reason, that innocuous little hour really messes me up and I can't let go of it so easily! My tummy rumbles at the old time for about a week, and trying to make it through to the new time before eating is a mammoth task. I am also one of those annoying people who still talks in 'old time' -  "Is that 1pm new time or old time then…" And it's made worse when you have small kids that are in a good routine. I dread the headache of adjusting this said routine and easing it smoothly into the new hour.

Now, I know the logical reason for the time change - to compensate for the levels of light that come with the change of the season - but it still seems bizarre to me. I become outraged at those who made the decision on our behalf. What gave them the right to play with time? Time is bigger than all of us, and should not be tampered with!

It also poses a 'chicken-egg' dilemma. Which hour is the correct one? Were we originally an hour ahead or an hour behind? As you can guess, I have never travelled far afield enough to have suffered from jet lag from big time differences, and can't imagine I would fare well.

The other thing with time change is that you don't know about it unless you know about it. Those who don't read papers, watch telly or use social media, but do have watches must get in a real muddle. Every year when I see the reminders I panic about forgetting, then panic about the fact that I could just as easily not have seen the reminders, and it was only by chance that I was saved the fate of living an hour behind (or ahead).

It did happen to me one year, which may be why I am left with these strange issues. At the time, hubby and I were working for a big international Life Coach, selling tickets for his seminars. We were tasked with going in on a Sunday for a promotional offer, and given the keys to the office. It also happened to be my grandparent's memorial, and as we stood at the graveyard, honouring yiayia and pappou's memory, my mum said, "Aren't you supposed to open the office up at 11am?" To which hubby and I replied that it was fine; if we left in half an hour we would make it to Nicosia with no issues, seeing as it was only 10am. Of course, we were on 'old time', and we both looked at one another, mouthed an expletive that should not be said in the presence of the deceased and literally ran out of the graveyard with the sound of the family's laughter fading in the distance. We sped to Nicosia, opening the office up half an hour late. The tale has a happy ending… we did not get fired! But that little hour really muddled us up.

So, this is my warning to everyone; do not ever, ever think that the little hour difference is so innocent, and never, ever tamper with time!

First appeared in The Cyprus Weekly 05/04/13


5 и 6 апреля 2014 года юные зрители Кипра встретятся с девочкой Элли и ее друзьями: Страшилой, Железным Дровосеком и Трусливым Львом. На сцене оживет любимая с детства сказка «ВОЛШЕБНИК ИЗУМРУДНОГО ГОРОДА» в исполнении артистов Дмитровского драматического театра «Большое гнездо».

Вместе с главными героями пьесы вы окажетесь в темном лесу, потом перенесетесь в подземелье злой Бастинды, и, наконец, попадете в Изумрудный город, где Великий и Ужасный Гудвин покажет свои фокусы. И все это под музыку легендарной группы The Beatles в исполнении Бостонского симфонического оркестра. 

Режиссер-постановщик спектакля Заслуженный артист России Алексей Блохин блистательно сумел передать волшебство и магию, юмор и добрые мысли прекрасной сказки А.Волкова. На 4-ом театральном фестивале «Долгопрудненская осень» (г.Долгопрудный, 2012 год) спектакль получил Диплом "За яркое визуально-образное решение старой доброй сказки".

Рекомендованный возраст: от 5-ти лет и старше.
Продолжительность спектакля: 1 час 10 минут (без антракта).


5 апреля в 11.00 в Никосию (Театр SATIRIKO) ,
5 апреля в 17.00 в Ларнаку (театр SKALA), 
6 апреля в 11.00 в Пафос (театр MАRKIDEO),
6 апреля в 18.00 в Лимассол (театр Agios Athanasios).

Стоимость билетов 12 евро.
Дополнительная информация по телефону 96 30 2770 
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Why having a gifted child can cause problems

The characteristics of gifted children often lead to social and emotional problems that can affect their emotional and social development. To understand your gifted child completely, it's a good idea to see how your child's giftedness can influence his or her behavior.
Problems Resulting From Asynchronous Development
  • Gifted children can intellectually understand abstract concepts but may be unable to deal with those concepts emotionally, leading to intense concerns about death, the future, sex, and other such issues. 
  • Gifted children's physical development may lead to an inability to complete a task they are capable of intellectually envisioning. (Perfectionism may play a role in this frustration as well.)
  • A gifted child may be able to participate in adult conversations about issues such as global warming or world hunger one minute and the next minute cry and whine because a sibling took a favorite toy.
Problems Resulting From Advanced Verbal and Reasoning Ability

  • Gifted children can be argumentative and/or manipulative. (Adults often remark that theses children are little lawyers!) Parents and other adults need to remember that, although credit should be given for logical and convincing arguments, a child is still a child and requires appropriate discipline, no matter how clever or cute the behavior may look. Children who see that they can manipulate adults can feel very insecure. 
  • Gifted children can be manipulative. (Parents and other adults need to take care that they don't allow this manipulation.) 
  • A gifted child may try to outsmart parents and teachers. 

April Competition

Beautylicious Salon in Larnaca  is sponsoring this months LPN Competition  and offering one of our Lucky Members a fantastic Hot stone Massage all you have to do is answer the following question and leave your answer's on the comment section below ...

Question: Name three health benefits of having a Hot Stone Massage.

Tips for good fathers

1. Make Time for Your Family
As a father, how do you show your children that they are important to you? Surely there are many things you do for your children, including the sacrifices you make to feed them and provide them with an adequate home. You would not do such things if your children were not important to you. Yet, if you do not spend significant amounts of time with your children, they might conclude that you care more for other things, such as your job, your friends, or your hobbies, than you do for them.
2. Good Fathers Are Good Communicators
In order to communicate effectively with your children, you must be a careful listener. You need to cultivate the ability to listen without overreacting. If your children think that you will lose your temper quickly and be judgmental, they will have little incentive to express their inner feelings to you. But if you listen to them calmly, you will show that you are genuinely interested in them. They will in turn be far more likely to share their precious thoughts and feelings with you.
3).Give Loving Discipline and Commendation
Even when you feel frustrated or angry, the discipline you administer should be an expression of loving concern for the long-term welfare of your child. It includes advice, correction, education, and chastisement when needed. Furthermore, discipline is much more effective when a father commends his children regularly. An ancient proverb says: “As apples of gold in silver carvings is a word spoken at the right time for it.” Commendation enriches a child’s character. Children blossom when they are acknowledged and appreciated. A father who looks for opportunities to give commendation will help to build confidence in his children and motivate them not to give up trying to do what is right.

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The information and materials contained on this blog have been compiled from a variety of sources, are subject to change without notice, may not be current and up-to-date, and should not be considered official public records.