Παράσταση Θεάτρου Σκιών από τον καραγκιοζοπαίχτη Χαράλαμπο Χαραλάμπους

Παράσταση Θεάτρου Σκιών από τον καραγκιοζοπαίχτη Χαράλαμπο Χαραλάμπους

Παρασκευή, 23 Μαΐου 2014, 7:45 μ.μ.
Στο Ιατρικό Μουσείο Κυριαζή

Στη ΛάρνακαΟδός Καραολή και Δημητρίου 35
(Πάροδος Ερμού, δίπλα από Γκαλερί Αμμόχωστος)

Τηλέφωνα επικοινωνίας:

Ο Καραγκιόζης Γιατρός

Shadow Theatre Performance by puppeteer Charalambos Charalambous

Friday, May 23, 2014, 7:45 pm

Medical Museum Kyriazis Larnaca

Street Karaoli and Dimitriou 35 (Ermou Lane, near Famagusta Gallery)


Dr Marios Karagkiozis


Dialogue in Greek

Russian Theatre

24 и 25 мая 2014 года Санкт-Петербургский детский театр сказки «РазДваТри» приглашает юных зрителей Кипра принять участие в невероятных приключениях вместе с героями спектакля «Шел по городу волшебник»!!!

Хорошо бы найти коробок волшебных спичек, исполняющих любое желание. Раз…и сразу мама разрешает не чистить зубы. Два …и можно стать прославленным спортсменом. Три…и ты вдруг самый сильный человек в мире…Но принесет ли это радость? Может, не стоит надеяться на волшебство, а лучше всего в жизни добиваться своим трудом и талантом.

Санкт-Петербургский театр сказки «РазДваТри» - лауреат европейских фестивалей пантомимы и клоунады, неоднократный дипломант фестиваля «Театры Санкт-Петербурга - детям».

Рекомендованный возраст: от 4-х лет и старше.
Продолжительность спектакля: 1 час 10 минут (без антракта).

Никосия - 24 мая в 11.00 (Театр SATIRIKO-большой зал) ,
Лимассол - 24 мая в 18.00 (театр Agios Athanasios),
Ларнака - 25 мая в 11.00 (театр SKALA),
Пафос - 25 мая в 18.00 (театр MАRKIDEO).

Стоимость билетов 12 евро.
Дополнительная информация по телефону: 96 30 2770
И на сайте: www.magictheatre.ru

The Importance of Teaching Manners to Kids

What Manners Do
At the heart of good manners is a respect for oneself and others. Good manners convey a sense of respect for the sensibilities of other people. When you say “thank you,” you’re taking the time to make the other person feel appreciated. Saying “please” respects a person’s right not to do what you’ve asked (it’s not so demanding with a “please” attached).

Manners and the Future
You do your children such a big favor when you teach them good manners. From bosses to girlfriends, good manners can make or break an opportunity. For instance, if your child is up for his first job and his credentials match another candidate’s, the more polite and mannerly candidate may end up with the job.If your child wants to ask a particular girl out, she may refuse a relationship if your child has bad manners.

The Big Picture
It’s not just your child’s future that is affected by her manners; it’s her parents’ reputation and, ultimately, the civility of the culture and society in which we live. While no one is perfect, imagine a culture where good manners just don’t exist – not a pleasant thought! Good manners set a standard of behavior against which other behavior can be measured, which helps keep order and civility in society.

The importance of laughter for children

All too often the hardships of parenting consume the majority of our time with our children. We are usually overworked and trying to figure out how to make our budgets stretch to meet our children’s want and needs. We wonder if we will ever get enough of a break to enjoy our partners and friends as much as we used to.

Laughter is an invaluable weapon against the tensions that fill our lives every day. Family dynamics will become much easier if parents can try to incorporate periods of laughter with their children into every week. Here are suggestions that you might try with your family.

1. A simple thing to do for families who like movies and recordings is to select funny movies or CD’s to enjoy together. Comedy recordings that have everyone laughing hard can decrease stress more than adventure or romantic stories that can actually increase tension. Some old movies are very funny. My pre-teens really enjoyed watching Marx Brothers movies.

2. Children think that games where they get to beat their parents are very funny this is because much of our children’s lives are run according to adult schedules and ideas. It is often hard for children to feel competent or in charge when they are trying to keep up with all the things that adults are asking them to do. Children love games where they get to win and feel smart and capable.

3. If your child is easily embarrassed or ashamed, they probably would enjoy hearing embarrassing stories from your childhood. It is very reassuring to know that your parent was not always the invulnerable, capable person they often appear to be.

4. Physical play can produce lots of laughter. A five-minute pillow fight or rough and tumble can be fun and release lots of tension that has built up during the day. As with other games it is important for the child to win physical play as well. Many children ask for tickling play time from their Mom or Dad because they want attention and enjoy laughing. 

How to teach your children to love nature

There are many things that parents, guardians, and teachers can do to help children develop a love for nature.

Start Young
If you love nature yourself, it is very easy to develop this love in your children. Expose them to the natural world from the time they are young. Encourage them to play in the garden. Let them pick up and observe leaves, flowers, rocks, etc. Point out and name trees, insects, birds, and animals to them.

Involve Them in Gardening
A great way to help children connect to nature is to get them to help in gardening. This will bring them in touch with the soil and they will encounter different kinds of insects, worms, and other intriguing creatures. Caring for plants, and seeing them grow and develop, is a wonderful opportunity for them to know the cycle of creation first hand. You can also help them set up a bird or butterfly feeder in the garden.

Take Them to Wildlife Sanctuaries and National Parks
Make trips to the wildlife sanctuaries and national parks a regular part of their growing years. Plan regular picnics and outings to nature spots around your city. Introduce them to the joys of hiking. You can spend vacations visiting places like Kanha, Ranthambhore, or Corbett, where children can see wild animals in their natural environment.

Arouse their Curiosity
Encourage your children to observe things around them. Gift them with books or CDs about nature and wildlife. Take them along to museums or libraries. Better still, get them membership to a nature organisation such as the Bombay Natural History Society or the World Wildlife Fund, and encourage them to participate in the field trips and other activities organised by them.

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The Larnaca Parents Network was designed to generate awareness of local events, activities and facilities for families within the local community.

We openly encourage your original content, events and links for all relevant facilities and services.

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The information and materials contained on this blog have been compiled from a variety of sources, are subject to change without notice, may not be current and up-to-date, and should not be considered official public records.