Летний лагерь при клубе верховой езды

Клуб верховой езды Horse Leisure Club  предлагает провести "Подкованные каникулы".  Приглашаем ребят от 8 лет. Наша программа для тех, кто любит активный отдых, творчество, для тех, кто занимается конным спортом или хочет познакомиться с ним поближе, для тех, чьи интересы разнообразны, кто хочет раскрасить свои дни в яркие цвета и смотреть на мир позитивно!
В программе лагеря: катание на лошадях/пони и уроки верховой езды, полезный труд (полить цветы, покормить и почистить животных), экскурсии (водный парк, парк каменных скульптур, лабиринт из живой изгороди и др), пикники и походы, активные игры на улице, спокойные игры в помещении, умелые ручки, поварское искусство,  купание в бассейне (на территории клуба), выезды на море, снак, обед.
Мы предлагаем три варианта прибывания в лагере: до 13:00 (от €125 за неделю), до 14:00 с обедом (от €150 за неделю)  или на пятидневку с проживанием (от €300 за неделю). Уроки верховой езды и экскурсии оплачиваются дополнительно. Лагерь будет работать только 4 недели, кол-во мест ограничено.
За информацией обращайтесь по тел. 99673768 – Ирина или пишите на info@cyprus-horseriding.com  Посмотрите нашу страничку www.cyprus-horseriding.com или на facebook https://www.facebook.com/pages/Horse-Leisure-Club-HLC/211500888878586

LPN June Competition

Did someone say Ice - Cream ? Answer this months LPN Question and Win an Ice -cream eating play date with Larnaca's most Famous Ice - Cream eating parrot ...

Where in Larnaca can you find this Ice Cream eating parrot ?
Leave your answer on the comment section below :0) 

American Academy

American Academy Nursery Summer School, which is for 3-5 year olds.  The cost is €60 per week and it runs for 5 weeks from Monday 30th June till Friday 1st August, and starts at 7.30am until 1.30pm.

If a child stays for 4 weeks and pays in advance there is a discount and they will be charged €230.  If a child stays for the whole 5 week period, they pay €285 and there is a registration fee of €10.

I also attach the lunch menu for your information.  Lunch is optional at a cost of €20 per week.

For your information the summer school will work on “themes” as follows:

-          Beach Week
-          Pirate Week
-          Holiday Week
-          Summer Fruits

There will be an English speaking and Greek speaking teacher in the class.

The children will have fun with various activities, like painting pebbles, and making ice-lollies and they will also have a water day, where they will have their swim suits and play in a paddling pool.

World's first sensory restaurant for BABIES - Opens in London

World's first sensory restaurant for BABIES complete with digital menus and interactive menus opens doors Weeny Weaning Restaurant opened doors today in Clapham  - Features sensory area, digital menus and interactive eating areas - Aims to encourage children to adopt healthy eating habits early on

The world’s first sensory restaurant for babies, which aims to encourage healthy eating from a young age, has opened its doors today.

With the aim of helping mothers and fathers introduce their little ones to healthy eating habits early on, the Weeny Weaning Restaurant aims to help families make mealtimes fun through sensory play and expert advice.

The restaurant in Clapham features a dedicated sensory area where mini diners are encouraged to play and explore before taking their seats to tuck in.

'If you can involve your little ones in the food preparation process, such as giving them veggies and fruits to play with, it will make them more engaged from the start,' explained Consultant Infant Nutritionist Claire Baseley.

'Letting them see, touch and smell the food will make them feel involved and in return they will be more likely to try new tastes.'

Babies are then encouraged to try new flavours, in order to encourage them to discover and accept new foods and tastes, in the 'taste zone'.

Little ones will be seated in highchairs at interactive tables, from which they will be able to choose from their very own digital menu, allowing them to select their own mains and desserts.

Creators say that the colourful interactive menu features state-of-the-art technology, designed to be ideal for little fingers to tap and touch.

'The interactive menu is another great way of generating that important sensory engagement, by using visuals of fruit and vegetables to introduce babies to the ingredients they are about to munch on.

'They are able to look at colours and shapes and engage their senses visually, which will make them more excited about new shapes, textures and foods they try,' said Claire.

Depending on the number of times they tap a particular food icon over a 30-second period, the digital menu responds accordingly and the waiters bring the children their selected choice of food, which has been developed with advice from child nutritionists.

Speaking about the new restaurant, Claire, who worked on the menu, added: 'We understand that mums and dads sometimes find mealtimes tricky, and that it can take quite a few tries to familiarise any hungry little ones with a new taste or texture.

'We also know that by introducing little ones’ taste buds to a wide variety of different and exciting tastes, it can help encourage them to grow up to be good little eaters.

'That’s why it’s super important to try to introduce little ones to new foods, especially savoury vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower, every day during the first weeks of weaning.

Article Source Daily Mail :
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2649367/Worlds-sensory-restaurant-BABIES-complete-digital-menus-interactive-menus-opens-doors.html#ixzz33qIF4AJz

Lavender fest

Cyherbia Herb Gardens are organising their third Annual Lavender Fest in Avgorou, taking place from the 14th till the 29th of June.
During the festival you can immerse yourself in the wonderful colour and fragrance of lavender in the herb gardens, and witness the extraction of essential oil of lavender.
Lavender craft workshops will be held on selected days, check out Cyherbia's website of facebook page for dates and times.
In the Tea Room there will be biscuits, ice tea, liqueur and even ice cream made with lavender for you to sample, all made on the premises.
In the herb shop you can find our own cosmetics, soaps, teas and many other organic lavender products.
Cyherbia park also  features the one and only Hedge Maze in Cyprus! Can you find your way out as well as the hidden items? The Woodland area in the park has been planted in the shape of the island. Here you can literally walk around Cyprus and discover the 7 wonders of the island.
During the festival, on June 21st, the Minister of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment mr. Nikos Kouyialis will official open out new Essential Oil Distillation Unit.
Miranda Tringis
Herbalist Dip. HM (Inst. NH)
tel. +35799915443

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The Larnaca Parents Network was designed to generate awareness of local events, activities and facilities for families within the local community.

We openly encourage your original content, events and links for all relevant facilities and services.

Please send all information to: info@larnacaparentsnetwork.com.

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The information and materials contained on this blog have been compiled from a variety of sources, are subject to change without notice, may not be current and up-to-date, and should not be considered official public records.