Facebook for LPNeurs - Simple ideas to run a promo and to increase engagement on your page.

The ultimate goal of your social media presence is to take your followers out of there and into your shop, activity or cause. This is part of the process and even though only 10% of our Facebook posts should be promotional, I've seen very successful pages doing 100% promotional posts. They have gorgeous and affordable jewellery or irresistible shoes and handbags. Their crowd just never gets tired of looking at their products, especially when new collections arrive at the beginning of a new season. Ah! And one musn't forget the cake pop ladies, of course.

What if you don't offer jewellery, delicious and beautiful cakes or irresistible shoes? Well, then you have to find other ways. Facebook pages terms and conditions specifies that you are not allowed to use their own 'share, comment or like' actions to enter your fans into any promotions with the exception of the 'liking of the page' itself, so you can use this to reward 'new likes' or new fans/followers by drawing a discount voucher or a gift voucher every week or every month, exclusively for your new fans. Facebook encourages page owners to install applications to enter fans into contests/promotions but usually fans are discouraged to enter as they have to install the app and this takes time and might appear intrusive to some people. I will share with you some other simple ideas that businesses have used without the fans having to install an external application on their Facebook profile.

Invite fans to email (not to post on your wall/timeline)  a photo wearing or using your product to enter a draw on regular basis for a period of time


Another possibility is to draw a winner every so many number of likes to your page. This is the only accepted use of a FB feature to enter a draw: to like the page (not a photo posted on its timeline). A variation could be to draw every so often, on weekly or monthly basis, just from the new fans. This encourages new fans but it is not so inviting for your 'old' fans to share the page with their friends. You don't have to state it, but by rewarding ANY fan when reaching a certain number of likes for your page, you are encouraging all of them to share your page with their friends to reach the target number.


An American company posted a coupon in the past and invited fans to find it so that anyone who did was rewarded. If you have a business that has been around for many years, or you offer a product that has been offered from before, you can have a promotion coupon that anyone can find on your timeline, print it and be able to purchase this product at the price it used to be sold in the past. In this way, everyone who finds the coupon is a winner, so there's no real competition, you just encourage a 'treasure hunt' on your timeline. You can easily past date a post by clicking on the little clock icon on your page's posting window. 

Finally, I want to leave you with a link to an article that was written in March this year but it is quite useful for those of you who run your own Facebook page. Very simple ideas that can help you increase your exposure. Click here for the whole article.

Thanks for reading, stay healthy, happy and safe until we 'meet' again,

Soullas Saturday Morning Library

Soullas Saturday Morning Library 

Every first and third Saturday of each month at 9:30am
American Academy (new junior school)  Larnaca

Do you enjoy reading? Do your kids like a good story? If so, have you heard about Soulla's Saturday Morning Library? Based at the American Academy Junior School in Larnaca, it is open on the first and third Saturday of every month and provides the opportunity for both adults and children to get their fill of some great books. Story and Song Time for kids is from 9.30-10am (1 euro per child to cover refreshments) and then the library is open to all until 11.30am. We have over 800 adult books and membership is still only 10 euros per year for 2 books at a time or 20 euros for 6 books.

Donations of any books in good condition (adults' and children's) are always very much appreciated, as are any toys for the library's toy corner.

 Keep updated with  the Library: anyone can be added to the mailing list for reminders about sessions and events by sending an email to soullassaturdaymorninglibrary@gmail.com

The 4 Intelligences for a balanced life

When: Wednesday 3rd October 2012
Where: Body & Soul Space (Dhekelia Rd before Jumbo)
Time: 8:00pm – 10:00pm

Would you like to know... 
  •  How to generate more balance and less stress in your life? 
  •  How to truly motivate people/children and understand the root of how they function? 
  •  How to vision solutions and not get stuck in the problem? 
  •  How to apply the law of attraction? 

The fundamental reality is that human beings are not objects that need to be constantly motivated or controlled. Humans are in fact 4 dimensional, which reflect the 4 universal dimensions of life, linked to the 4 basic needs (Spiritual, Mental, Emotional and Physical) of all people. This session will help you visualise the big picture of who we are, understand each dimension in a simplistic way and apply the knowledge to answer all of the questions indicated above and more besides. 

Guest Speaker Profile
LPN Dad Grant Holmes is an International Trainer, Motivational Speaker, Lifestyle Coach and CEO of Progress International. He is known to be a Guru in the Cruise Ship Industry and he created a Training Methodology based on the 4 Intelligences, which has successfully been trained to over 25,000 people in the Cruise Industry, Corporate World and Hospitality.
For more details go to: www.progressinternationaltraining.com.


Dr Dina Blaivas Business Women of the Year Nominee & Founder of the Speleotherapy Centre | Natural Solutions for Easy Breathing has been invited along to give a short presentation on her unique and only Speleotherapy Clinic in Cyprus.

What is Speleotherapy?

Speleotherapy or Salt Therapy is the process of inhaling microscopic, negatively ionized particles in a temperature and humidity controlled microclimate. These particles infiltrate deep into the lungs to stimulate a cleansing process which extracts allergens and environmental contaminants that are abundant in our modern day life. These pollutants can create health issues such as asthma, seasonal allergies, breathing difficulties, several skin problems and other conditions.

There is about a 90% success rate with children under the age of 7 in relieving symptoms of asthma and reducing medication dependence, whilst the success rate for adults is about 70%.

This is a Sponsored LPN event and is free of charge 

For further Information about this workshop or the Larnaca Parents Network 

Journey Into Jazz 6-15 Yr olds

Halloween Party

Where: Highveiw Gardens Mazotos
When: 31st October
Time: 9pm till late

Come celebrate Halloween at High view Gardens Stylish Hotel apartments in Mazotos.
A night full of tricks and treats you will not want to miss!

Thank you for visiting us

The Larnaca Parents Network was designed to generate awareness of local events, activities and facilities for families within the local community.

We openly encourage your original content, events and links for all relevant facilities and services.

Please send all information to: info@larnacaparentsnetwork.com.

You can also share through our Facebook Group.

The information and materials contained on this blog have been compiled from a variety of sources, are subject to change without notice, may not be current and up-to-date, and should not be considered official public records.