"Планеты вечных сумерек" в Планетарии и Обсерватории Китиона, Ларнака




Программа "Планеты вечных сумерек" интересна для посетителей от 8 лет и старше. В ней рассказывается о том, как люди открыли самые далёкие планеты Солнечной системы, как к ним летали космические аппараты и что это за необыкновенные миры, где в ясный день так же светло, как в разгорающиеся сумерки на Земле.

Наблюдения Луны в телескоп, это всегда интересно. На этот раз на почти полной Луне можно увидеть и моря, по которым ездили луноходы, и горы, названные как на Земле, и множество кратеров - результатов столкновения с астероидами и кометами, свидетельства периода большой бомбардировке планет, который закончился три с половиной миллиарда лет назад. Самый впечатляющий - кратер Тихо именно около полнолуния проявляет лучи, расходящиеся от него на поллуны!

Балет для детей "Спящая красавица" Sleeping Beauty Ballet for children

Шедевр мирового балетного искусства «Спящая красавица» на Кипре! (English text to follow)

Музыка - П.И.Чайковского. Либретто - Мариуса Петипа (сокращенная версия одноименного балета, исполняемого в Большом Театре России, г.Москва).

Приглашаем детей и их родителей во дворец, где Kороль и Королева празднуют День рождения своей дочери - принцессы Авроры!

30 января в 18.00 в Пафос – театр Маркидео,

31 января в 11.00 в Никосию – театр Сатирико,

31 января в 17.00 в Ларнаку – театр Скала,

1 февраля в 11.00 и в 17.00 в Лимассол – театр Полемидиа.

Уже составлены списки приглашенных гостей, все готово к началу церемонии. Феи подносят к колыбели новорожденной свои дары… Как вдруг раздается шум. Это прибыла злая волшебница Карабос, которую не позвали на праздник. В ярости предсказывает она принцессе Авроре смерть от укола веретеном.

Но принцесса не умрет, а лишь уснет, пока ее не разбудит поцелуем любви юный принц. Тсс…Тише… королевство погружается в столетний сон под чарующую и нежную музыку величайшего из композиторов человечества П.И.Чайковского.

Пробуждение будет прекрасным: злые чары развеются, очнется ото сна Королевский двор, герои волшебных сказок: Кот в сапогах и Белая Кошечка, Красная Шапочка и Серый Волк придут поздравить счастливых влюбленных, а Фея Сирени благословит жениха и невесту на долгую и счастливую жизнь!

Основные балетные партии танцуют профессиональные артисты (солисты ведущих Московских театров) , кордебалет - ученики Московской государственной детской школы искусств им. М.А.Балакирева.

Продолжительность балета – 1 час 15 минут (без антракта).
Рекомендуемый возраст – от 5-ти лет.
Стоимость билетов – 12 евро.

Дополнительная информация по телефону 96 30 2770
и на сайте www.magictheatre.ru

Отпразднуем вместе 175 - летие со дня рождения величайшего русского композитора П.И.Чайковского!

Miracles happen not only in the New Year night…

30 and 31 of January, 1 of February 2015 young spectators and their parents will have an unusual meeting with the masterpiece of World ballet – Sleeping beauty".

Music by Tchaikovsky. Libretto by Marius Petipa (abridged version for children of the ballet performed at the Bolshoi Theatre, Moscow).

We would like to invite you to the Palace, where the King and Queen celebrate the birthday of their daughter, Princess Aurora! Everything is ready for the beginning of the ceremony. Fairies are bringing their gifts to cradle of newborn. Suddenly a loud noise is heared. It arrived the wicked witch Carabosse, which was not invited to the feast. In a rage she predicts Princess Aurora death from the injection of a spindle. But the Princess will not die. She will only sleep until the kiss of love of the young Prince will wake up her! But silence… The Kingdom is immersed in the hundred years sleep under a charming and gentle music of the greatest composers of mankind Tchaikovsky…

The main ballet party are performed by professional artists (the soloists of the leading Moscow theatres). Support by students of the Moscow children's art school named after Mikhail Balakirev.

PLACE and TIME of ballet:

30 of January 2015 - Pafos, Theatre MARKIDEO at 18.00
31 of January 2015 – Nicosia, Theatre SATIRIKO at 11.00
31 of January 2015 – Larnaca, Theatre SKALA at 17.00
1 of February 2015 – Limassol, Theatre POLEMIDIA at 11.00 and at 17.00

Duration of ballet - 1 hour 15 minutes without intermission.
Recommended age – from 5 years.
Price: 12 Euro.
More information: 96 30 2770 and on www.magictheatre.ru

Valentine's Day

Valentine’s Day

Saturday, Feb. 14th 

Our this year’s theme for Valentine’s, before or after your planned dinner: 

Bubbly Wines with strawberries dipped in Chocolate.

Served in our ‘Wine Bar’ on that night.

Your options of:

2 Glasses of Sparking Brut or Rose with a bowl of strawberries dipped in chocolate @ € 15.00

2 Glasses of Champagne Brut with a bowl of strawberries dipped in chocolate @ €20.00

2 Glasses of Champagne Rose with a bowl of strawberries dipped in chocolate @€25.00

Chocolate dipping will be of different flavors freshly prepared in house by our staff.

You are welcome any time from 7.00 pm until late at night!

Tel. 24815044

"The OAK-TREE Wine Cellar"

9 G. Drousiotis Str.,

6021 Larnaca CYPRUS

The unexpectedly tolerant island - Paula Manoli-Gray

I am not one to engage in discussion about politics or religion; I think some subjects are best avoided and I also do not feel educated enough on either matter to be able to debate them intelligently. But as much as I would like to keep out of what is going on around the world – out of a need to not go insane, rather than a desire for the bliss of ignorance – every now and then an event forces the issues to my attention. One such event was the Paris atrocities, and it is incredibly sad what some people will do in the name of religion and/or politics.

Every time I hear these horror stories of pain inflicted in the name of God or geographical 'birthrights', it makes me appreciate our island for its tolerance. And upon hearing me use the word 'tolerance' in relation to Cyprus, no doubt many will baulk, but allow me to explain!

As an island, we have really drawn the short straw when it comes to how our political history has shaped us. We live the reality every day through the ongoing division, the unanswered questions on the fate of fathers and sons, and the theft of rightful property. And naturally, being that Greek Cypriots are Christian and Turkish Cypriots are Muslims, the element of religion is also intertwined in this fate. When it comes to religion, we have also seen an incredible change to our demographic from an Orthodox island with a minority of Muslims and Armenians to welcoming almost any religion imaginable. Aside from churches of all Christian denominations, we have synagogues, temples and mosques. So yes, generally, it is fair to say that we show tolerance.

Of course there is racism. What country in the world doesn't have its share of narrow-minded, ignorant bigots? And there is a disgusting attitude towards hired help from certain parts of the world, as though they were born to serve us - and this is not limited to Cypriots. But, and this is a big but, that is where it ends. We do not have organised terrorist groups targeting those who do not follow their ideologies and terrorising us. We do not have bombings and attacks and we do not have riots and picketing against any social or religious group.

Why is this such a big deal? After all, many democratic countries do not stoop to these levels. But it is indeed a big deal and the reason is twofold. Firstly, the Orthodox church is a major player and influencer on the island, yet it accepts and tolerates other religions – and 'mixed' marriages. Secondly, with such a deep division and all the ingrained hatred it brings on both sides – even to the point that it is 'taught' in schools - you would not be surprised to see fanatical groups from both sides perpetrating crimes against the other. And yet you do not. Cyprus could easily be another Israeli/Palestinian conflict. And yet – thankfully – it is not.

One of the first questions people ask when booking a holiday to Cyprus is whether the island is safe or if they will find conflict. It is understandable for those who are not familiar with Cyprus to assume that with constant peace talks and an ongoing division, the island is dangerous, and that with a powerful and strict church, that it is inflexible.

But it is neither; people just get on with their lives and for the most part, let others do the same. And that is why I am grateful for the tolerance the people of my island (generally!) show.

First appeared in The Cyprus Weekly 23/01/15

Come back summer, all is forgiven! - Paula Manoli-Gray

I don't know if the weather is getting colder or I am just getting older and less able to cope with it, but whatever the case, I just want to curl up and hibernate right now!

Cold in Cyprus is a horrible, horrible experience. We are so utterly unequipped for it in every way that we feel it far more than those in colder countries do. Personally I have been unable to function, have no desire to go anywhere and am eating more. In short I feel chilled to the bone and miserable!

The difficulty in adequately heating our homes is a real issue. Whilst I do have central heating, I still cannot get my home to feel properly warm due to two reasons. Firstly, the crisis has forced us to be more careful with our bills so it is out of the question to leave the heating on all day and night, and secondly - as is the case with many homes here - the windows have been so shoddily installed that our 'double glazing' lets the wind whistle through. And of course, being a generally hot country, our houses are not built for the cold, magnified by an absence of wall-to-wall carpeting in most homes. Half the time it is considerably warmer outside than it is inside my house.

One of the reasons I left the UK was the weather; I don't do well in the cold and wet, but I cannot remember ever feeling this uncomfortably cold in England. I dread going to the toilet or having a shower because sitting on a cold toilet seat or washing my hands in cold water is so unbearable. Brushing my teeth is the worse as I have sensitive teeth, so mouth-rinsing with freezing water is agony, but I am not prepared to waste water by letting the tap run until it is warm. I know it makes me sound like I live in a third world country or the dark ages but that is truly the reality of recent winters in Cyprus!

Unlike other European countries where cold is just a fact of life, we tend to come to a standstill as a society – I haven't taken my kids out properly in weeks and the postman comes even less frequently than usual! But whilst my reaction to the cold is one of complete shutdown, there are some expats who take it in a different way… they seem genuinely outraged and angry that the hot island lifestyle they signed up for has betrayed them!

Family and friends in the UK think we are exaggerating about the cold, as they have only generally experienced summer holidays in Cyprus and are used to well-heated homes in the UK. But the few that have visited during the winter months have been shocked to find that they are actually, truly freezing! And yes, they have commented that they have never felt this cold in England! 

I keep reminding myself in these chilly times that come the summer we will all be complaining that we cannot hack the heat. If I hear anyone moan that it is too hot this year, I shall scream. As far as I am concerned, walking around as a sweaty, shiny mass is far more preferable to struggling to type because my fingers have turned into icicles.

Unfortunately, human hibernation is not a real or feasible thing, so please come back unbearable and stifling heat of summer… all is forgiven!

First appeared in The Cyprus Weekly, 16/01/15

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