Δήμος Λάρνακας - Δελτίο Τύπου - 13-19/05/2013

Στα πλαίσια της προσπάθειας για έγκυρη ενημέρωση των δημοτών και γενικότερα του κοινού σε σχέση με τις δραστηριότητες και τις ενέργειες του Δήμου, δημοσιεύουμε εδώ, εκ μέρους του Δήμου Λάρνακας, το εβδομαδιαίο ενημερωτικό Δελτίο Τύπου.

Για πληροφορίες Πολιτιστική Υπηρεσία Δήμου Λάρνακας τηλ. 24657745, 24629333

Τρίτη 14 7:15 μ.μ.
Διάλεξη με θέμα: «Για το μέλλον του μέλλοντος». Εισηγητής: Κώστας Χριστοφίδης, Πρύτανης, Καθηγητής, Τμήμα Φυσικής, Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου.
Τελετή λήξης του 14ου χρόνου διαλέξεων και απονομή πιστοποιητικών παρακολούθησης
Είσοδος ελεύθερη

«Συναυλία Αγάπης» - Αφιέρωμα στον Μάνο Χατζιδάκι
Μαρία Λουκαϊδου–Schroeder (πιάνο), Μάριος Παύλου (βιολί),Καίτη Οικονομίδου (τραγούδι), Νεόφυτος Νεοφύτου & Όλγα Πιερίδου (αφήγηση). Κείμενα: Δρ Αικατερίνη Λάμπρου Διοργανωτής: Ευρωπαϊκό Κόμμα
Είσοδος €5 (όλα τα έσοδα θα διατεθούν για ενίσχυση του Κοινωνικού Παντοπωλείου και των ιδρυμάτων για άτομα με ειδικές ανάγκες της Λάρνακας)


Θεατρική Ομάδα Ανοικτού Σχολείου Δήμου Λάρνακας «Κηδεία για Κλάματα»
Διασκευή του μονόπρακτου «Η Τελετή» του Παύλου Μάτεσι . Διασκευή / σκηνοθεσία: Σπύρος Σπύρου.
Διοργανωτής: Ανοικτό Σχολείο Δήμου Λάρνακας
Είσοδος ελεύθερη

Παρασκευή 17 7:30 μ.μ.
Τελετή έναρξης της Έκθεσης ζωγραφικής των μελών του Αντιρευματικού Συνδέσμου Κύπρου
Διοργανωτής: Αντιρευματικός Σύνδεσμος Κύπρου. Διάρκεια έκθεσης: 17 - 24 Μαΐου 2013.
Ώρες λειτουργίας έκθεσης: Δευτέρα – Παρασκευή: 9:00 π.μ.–1:00 μ.μ. Είσοδος ελεύθερη

Παρασκευή 17 8:00 μ.μ. ΔΗΜΟΤΙΚΟ ΘΕΑΤΡΟ ΛΑΡΝΑΚΑΣ
«Αφιέρωμα στον Κινηματογράφο» Συναυλία της Παιδικής Χορωδίας της ΠΟΕΔ Λάρνακας
Συμμετέχει το Χορευτικό Συγκρότημα της ΠΟΕΔ Λάρνακας. Διοργανωτής: Επαρχιακή Επιτροπή ΠΟΕΔ Λάρνακας. Είσοδος €5 (τα έσοδα θα διατεθούν για ενίσχυση του Κοινωνικού Παντοπωλείο Λάρνακας)


Σάββατο 18 11:00 π.μ. – 2:00 μ.μ. ΔΗΜΟΤΙΚΟ ΘΕΑΤΡΟ ΛΑΡΝΑΚΑΣ
8ο Ορθόδοξο Παιδικό Φεστιβάλ «Άγιοι Κύριλλος και Μεθόδιος» της Ρωσικής Κοινότητας
Πρόγραμμα με ρωσικά παραδοσιακά τραγούδια και χορούς. Διοργανωτής: Ρωσικό Ορθόδοξο
Εκπαιδευτικό Κέντρο. Είσοδος ελεύθερη

Σάββατο 18
Ολοήμερη πεζοδρομοποίηση του Εμπορικού Κέντρου της Λάρνακας. Καλλιτεχνικό πρόγραμμα
Παρέλαση ανθοστόλιστων ομάδων (4:00 μ.μ.)

Η Τεχνική Υπηρεσία του Δήμου πληροφορεί το κοινό ότι μεταξύ13 – 17/5/2013 θα διεξάγονται και θα συνεχίζονται τα πιο κάτω τεχνικά έργα:
  • Ανακατασκευή πεζοδρομίου στην οδό Αϊνστάιν
  • Διάφορες κατασκευαστικές εργασίες που αφορούν την γιορτή του Κατακλυσμού
  • Συντήρηση παλιάς Δημοτικής κατοικίας που βρίσκεται στην οδό Νεοφύτου Ροδινού Αρ. 6 (συνεχίζεται)
  • Εργασίες πρέμιξ στις οδούς Εύκλου, Αριστείδου και Ιπποκράτους
Το Οικονομικό Τμήμα του Δήμου Λάρνακας, πληροφορεί το κοινό ότι για το έτος 2012 καθώς επίσης και για τα προηγούμενα χρόνια συνεχίζεται να γίνεται η εξόφληση του Δημοτικού Φόρου Ακίνητης Ιδιοκτησίας, Δικαιωμάτων Σκυβάλων, Επαγγελματικού Φόρου και Αδειών Επαγγελματικών Υποστατικών στα γραφεία του Δήμου Λάρνακας μόνο, με προσεπιβάρυνση 10% πάνω στην αρχική φορολογία.
Παρακαλείται το κοινό όπως τακτοποιήσει τις οφειλές του προς το Δήμο Λάρνακας έγκαιρα και μέσα στα καθορισμένα χρονικά περιθώρια προς αποφυγή πληρωμής πρόσθετων δικηγορικών και δικαστικών εξόδων.

Το Συμβούλιο Αποχετεύσεων Λάρνακας πληροφορεί το κοινό ότι μεταξύ των ημερομηνιών 13–19/5/2013 θα διεξάγονται κατασκευαστικά έργα στους πιο κάτω δρόμους:
  • Το τμήμα της Λεωφ. Αρτέμιδος από πρατήριο «Πετρολίνα» μέχρι την οδό Ν. Δημητρίου είναι  κλειστό. Το πάρκο που βρίσκεται κοντά στην εκκλησία της Παναγίας Φανερωμένης είναι κλειστό.
  • Οδός Ζακύνθου (έξω από Αντλιοστάσιο)

The Lithos Beer Festival will Take Place this Weekend!

The streets of Oroklini and Larnaca are filled with excitement at present in anticipation of the very first Beer Festival in town which will go on for 3 whole days.
The Festival will be hosted by Lithos Bar & Grill in Oroklini.

Take advantage of the discounted prices, starting from €2.30, of all 17 types of Beer Lithos will be offering! The Beer Festival will take place over 3 days long weekend and if that's not enough the popular owners of Lithos will offer food at special prices, which includes Sunday Lunch at just €8.

Eating & Drinking at these prices seem too good to be true!

17th - 19th of May, 2013

Lithos Bar & Grill in Oroklini

Free, just pay for what you consume!

Inspirational Stories : Single mother's 9p meals win book deal

Single mother's 9p meals win book deal thanks to her 'austerity recipes' blog about feeding her family on £10 a week

Jack Monroe has signed a deal with Penguin following her blog success The 25-year-old from Southend feeds herself and Jonny, three, on £10 The healthy and frugal meals include 30p chilli, 22p curry and 9p burgers

A single mother who has turned her 9p meals into a book deal has urged shoppers not to be put off value-brand food to make their money go further.

Jack Monroe, 25, has been documenting her attempts at feeding herself and her three-year-old son Jonny on £10 a week for the past year.

A 9p carrot, cumin and kidney bean burger, 30p chilli and 22p apricot curry are among the frugal and healthy recipes that have caught the attention of publisher Penguin, which has signed her up to produce a book packed with more than 100 ideas for making the most of a tight budget.

Ms Monroe, from Southend, was job-hunting and living on benefits when she started her blog following a councillor's attack on single mothers in her local paper, which appeared under the headline: 'Druggies, drunks and single mums are ruining our town'.

She began attending council meetings and writing about politics and budget meals on her A Girl Called Jack blog following encouragement from friends. She used a Nokia E72 phone to write and upload her posts as she does not own a computer.

Since then, she has appeared on the BBC Breakfast sofa to talk about her experience. A nutritionist on the show told her that the portion sizes were too small.

But Ms Monroe told MailOnline: 'I eat four times a day, have breakfast, lunch, dinner, tea and snacks.

'You could eat twice as much and still save lots of money.'

Ms Monroe shops from the value and reduced ranges at Sainsbury's, her nearest shop, and grows her own herbs to make the most of her £10, which is what she has left after paying bills and rent.

She sang the praises of value ranges, where kidney beans and chopped tomatoes are a quarter of the price of the branded equivalents, and said shoppers shouldn't be turned off by the 'unattractive' packaging of the bottom shelf products.

Local food banks also give out copies of her recipes to help others feeding themselves on very little

In one blogpost, entitled Hunger Hurts, she wrote: 'Poverty isn’t just having no heating, or not quite enough food, or unplugging your fridge and turning your hot water off.

'It’s not a tourism trade, it’s not cool, and it’s not something that MPs on a salary of £65k a year plus expenses can understand, let alone our PM who states that we’re all in this together.

'Poverty is the sinking feeling when your small boy finishes his one Weetabix and says ‘more mummy, bread and jam please mummy’ as you’re wondering whether to take the TV or the guitar to the pawn shop first, and how to tell him that there is no bread or jam.'

She has raised more than £2,500 for Oxfam through her blog by taking on a Live Below the Line challenge to feed her family for a week on only £5.

She bought one of everything from the supermarket's value range and thought: 'Right - what can I make out of this?'It was her friend's Facebook photos of his meals when he took on of the challenge last summer that prompted her to 'do it better', she said.

Her blog readers have become an online support group, she told MailOnline.

'Every time I spoke to friends I was banging on about how awful things were.

'I was boring myself.'

She refers back to the Hunger Hurts post as 'the pinnacle' of how bad things were while she was unemployed and trying to support herself and her child.

'People tell me: "Thank god it's not just me, I'm in the same situation".'

Ms Monroe gave birth to her son while she worked at a fire service call centre, but the job and relationship with her son's father did not work out, and he was unable to support them.

She was approached for advice by Labour MP Helen Goodman, who fed herself for a week on £18 in February to experience what life would be like for her constituents in Bishop Auckland once the 'bedroom tax' came into force last month.

Ms Monroe told MailOnline: 'I would say the cuts are quite draconian, though I do understand we don't have an endless pot to prop up welfare.'

She called for a change in the way housing benefit is paid, criticising the way it is paid every four week in arrears rather than monthly and in advance, and highlighted the stress of having to negotiate with letting agents and landlords for their patience.

She found herself in difficulties with her rent payments when she registered for housing benefit, becoming nearly three months in arrears in the eight weeks it took to process her claim.

Some really simple changes would mean people won't be taking out payday loans with 3,000 per cent interest to buy food,' she said.

The as-yet unnamed recipe book will be out next March.

Lindsey Evans, the cookery publisher at Penguin, said: 'Jack Monroe is a fresh new voice for our times and I am so pleased that Penguin will be publishing her first cookbook.

'Not only has she managed to feed herself and her son on just £10 a week but she has done so by coming up with delicious and nutritious recipes, all within that budget. More importantly, she can now show us how we can do the same.'

Lemon Puddle Pudding

I made this delicious pudding a few weeks ago for our Sunday Lunch and is now on my 'favourite puddings' list!! Not only is this delectable pudding so delicious, but just so simple to make and to top it all, it just looks so elegant with that delicate sprinkling of icing sugar when it's ready to serve. Don't you just feel so smug when you present to your guests an impressive dish, knowing that it was so very simple to make!!! Enjoy!!


50g butter
200g golden caster sugar
1 lemon , zested
100ml lemon juice (include the juice from the zested lemon)
3 eggs , separated
50g plain flour , sifted
250ml milk
1 tsp vanilla extract
icing sugar , for dusting
double pouring cream , to serve


Heat the oven to 180C/fan 160C/gas 4. Whizz the butter, sugar and lemon zest until they are pale and creamy in a food processor. Add the lemon juice, yolks, flour, milk and vanilla one by one until you have a smooth batter. Whisk the egg whites until firm but not stiff, and fold the mixtures together.

Pour into a buttered ovenproof soufflé or baking dish and put it in a baking tray half filled with hot water. Bake for 45-50 minutes until the top is lightly browned and set and there is a gooey lemon curd below. Serve hot with or without cream.


The Saturday Kids Club

Now at Gaia we offer every Saturday movies at 12pm for kids of all age groups!

Come have fun and enjoy also our happy face sandwich.................


Gaia Center
1 Andreas Souroukli St, CY6021 Larnaca, Cyprus
24 25 26 15

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The information and materials contained on this blog have been compiled from a variety of sources, are subject to change without notice, may not be current and up-to-date, and should not be considered official public records.