Russian Theatre


24 и 25 мая 2014 года Санкт-Петербургский детский театр сказки «РазДваТри» приглашает юных зрителей Кипра принять участие в невероятных приключениях вместе с героями спектакля «Шел по городу волшебник»!!!

Хорошо бы найти коробок волшебных спичек, исполняющих любое желание. Раз…и сразу мама разрешает не чистить зубы. Два …и можно стать прославленным спортсменом. Три…и ты вдруг самый сильный человек в мире…Но принесет ли это радость? Может, не стоит надеяться на волшебство, а лучше всего в жизни добиваться своим трудом и талантом.

Санкт-Петербургский театр сказки «РазДваТри» - лауреат европейских фестивалей пантомимы и клоунады, неоднократный дипломант фестиваля «Театры Санкт-Петербурга - детям».

Рекомендованный возраст: от 4-х лет и старше.
Продолжительность спектакля: 1 час 10 минут (без антракта).

Никосия - 24 мая в 11.00 (Театр SATIRIKO-большой зал) ,
Лимассол - 24 мая в 18.00 (театр Agios Athanasios),
Ларнака - 25 мая в 11.00 (театр SKALA),
Пафос - 25 мая в 18.00 (театр MАRKIDEO).

Стоимость билетов 12 евро.
Дополнительная информация по телефону: 96 30 2770
И на сайте:

The Cyprus Weekly News -This Week from LPN Mum Paula Manoli Grey

Careful what you wish for

Cyprus is in a complete mess right now with blame put on the banking sector, but in my opinion, Cyprus lost itself a long time ago as a result of our greed and desire to become something we were not.

When I moved to Cyprus in 1988, there were things I hated, and I was too young to appreciate the things I should. My first Christmas here was miserable as I was used to Christmas in England; decorations and festive music everywhere, the huge variety of gifts, the atmosphere… Mum did what she could with our stockings, but there was such limited choice in the shops and it felt like the end of the world for 11-year-old me.

Television was only broadcast for half a day on CYBC, with nothing of interest to me, and I couldn’t get my Smash Hits magazine. There was no MacDonalds and little choice for fashion. What I did have was fresh air, nice weather and a new bike that I could ride without fear of abduction. I had freedom and nature, fresh food and all my relatives nearby – some of life’s most precious things, but at that age, they got the thumbs down.

Slowly, Cyprus started to ‘modernise’ and we Larnaca kids would go up to Nicosia for the day to enjoy UK shops and Big Boy burgers, wishing that Larnaca would catch up. The trendy cafes started to open, and with them the price of drinks went up astronomically. This led to a horrible rise in snobbery, the obsessive need to have expensive, showy things and looking down on anything that wasn’t over-priced or carrying a designer label. And this was from average people on low salaries who wanted to project that they were something ‘better’, as if that was more attractive than being from a warm, humble island, famed for its generous, hospitable and down-to-earth people.

Fast-forward to today and Larnaca can rival Nicosia for shops and cafes, in fact, in a role reversal, it is the Nicosia crowd flocking to our Mackenzie seafront - the island’s current hot-spot. Fast food chains are everywhere, swallowing up our traditional tavernas and the trendy cafes all blend into one with their generic white décor and (still) over-priced drinks. We have too many TV channel choices and Christmas decorations are out from October. Crime is up and you are more likely to be met with hostility and a look of pity than a warm welcome.

I do not wish to belittle the genuine suffering of the people of Larnaca, but it was inevitable that this loss of identity and false disguise would one day no longer hold.

I feel that when we come out the other side of this, we are going to regain a lot of what we lost. People will no longer be ashamed to have less than their neighbours; they will not blow an entire month’s salary on a handbag to prove something. We will not put up with extortionate prices or rude customer service, and those who dished them out in the first place will eat some serious humble pie.

And maybe, just maybe, there is a glimmer of hope that we will become that island I moved to in 1988; I sure would appreciate it now.

Main Feature Article :

Falling Down the Rabbit Hole

This column first appeared in the Cyprus Weekly, 26/10/13

Keep Paula updated with News & Events :

LPN goes Russian

Irina originally from the Ukraine, Crimea moved to Cyprus in 2000 after finishing High School in Cyprus, she went on to  Study Law in  the University of Nicosia, she graduated in 2006 and shortly after married a wonderful local in 2007.  Irina worked in one of the biggest and most respected Law firms in Cyprus 2006 – 2010. 

Following the birth of her first child Irina decided to take a break from  her career in law and dedicated herself  as a full time mum whilst making time to self Educate taking on child psychology, computer technology, management, marketing. As of 2012 qualified by Moscow State University as teacher of Russian language for kids. 

Irina is the proud Mother of two adorable children and speaks Russian English and Greek. 

Note from Irina 

While In the process of raising two bilingual kids came the realization of the importance to support native language (Russian) while  living abroad.  It has become a goal of mine to create a Russian speaking community in Larnaca through LPN taking an active part in cultural events, providing interesting, educational, enriching and affordable entertainment and lots of activities for kids of different age.

Personal Vision

Everyone deserves to benefit from living in a multicultural environment. Especially our children. They can enjoy a beautiful blend of rich Russian and Cypriot cultures and traditions. Both Greek and Russian languages can (and should) be native to them, thus opening a world of culture, knowledge, opportunities, and, of course, moral values like respect & kindness.  

LPN is delighted to Welcome Irina to the Team !

Home-made Mincemeat

Today's the 25th, that's 2 months to go for my favourite holiday! Christmas is nearly here!! It's time to start preparing and the first thing on my list is home-made mince-meat. Just so unbelievable simple to make and even if you buy the best quality available on the market, believe me, there is no comparison!! Just the thought of your home filling up with those lovely aromas of orange, cinnamon, nutmeg and allspice, makes it all worthwhile! I've been using this recipe for years now, making triple this quantity, to make my own mince-pies and leaving enough to spoon into pretty jars to give as lovely home-made Christmas gifts and also plenty left over to use through-out the year, adding to apple pies and crumples for that extra wow-factor!! It really is worth the while; give it a try this year!


450g Cooking apples, peeled, cored and finely chopped
225g shredded suet
350g raisins
225g sultanas
225g currants
225g mixed peel, finely chopped
350g dark brown sugar
Grated rind and juice of 2 oranges
Grated rind and juice of 2 lemons
100g almonds, cut into slivers
4 tsp mixed spice
½ tsp cinnamon
1 tsp nutmeg
6 tbsp brandy


Just mix all the ingredients, except for the brandy. Cover with a cloth and leave for 12 hours. To prevent fermentation place mincemeat in a cool oven, (120c,gas mark ¼ ) for 3 hours. Allow to cool completely and stir in the brandy. Spoon into clean dry jars and seal.


Introducing LPN … Monthly Competitions!

Our monthly competitions are exclusive to LPN members and the answer will be found somewhere within our website: which is also a great place to find out about local activities,happening events and local news…

This Month's Question: 
Sponsored by K Cineplex 

Q: When did LPN start ?

Special Note: Answers should be submitted with your name in the comment section below :0) Best of luck!

Answer below and get the chance to win 2 TICKETS  for a film of your choice from K Cineplex.

Winner will be announced at the End of the Month on the Website & on facebook. 

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