Not barbarians part 2 - Paula Manoli-Gray

Back in November, I wrote a comment about how I believe our reputation as animal abusers and haters is not justified, which provoked many responses from people who disagreed with my view.

Most of these people are actively involved in animal rescue or welfare and had some horrific stories of first-hand animal abuse to share, thus arguing that we are indeed still barbarians. Having seen what they have seen, I am not surprised that my comment riled them as it may have appeared flippant or ignorant from someone who is not living and experiencing these horrors daily.

I had never said that animal abuse on the island didn't exist, my point was that although it does exist, I do not think it is any worse than anywhere else (more apparent maybe due to our small size). And more importantly, that there are a great number of animal lovers on the island being unfairly tarnished with this reputation for animal cruelty.

In the weeks following, there seemed to be nothing but stories on animal abuse in the news and on Facebook, as though my words were coming back to bite me on the bum! But, all of this actually supports my view. The very fact that so many people are standing up and exposing the cruelty, taking their own time to work tirelessly for these animals, and that the stories of abuse are making the news and sending shockwaves prove what I said – that there are many, many animal supporters and lovers on the island. It goes to follow therefore, that we cannot be the nation of animal abusers our reputation tells.

My comment seems to have been timely, as it feels as though there is a real momentum gathering in support of our furry friends. I don't know if this is because Facebook and other social media sites have allowed people to share their stories and pictures, thus making it difficult to sweep cases under the carpet, or because the powers-that-be can no longer treat the issue as unimportant as a European member state. Maybe there is an increased level of awareness as organisations such as the Larnaca Famagusta Association for the Protection of Animals and Birds hold regular fundraisers. Whatever the reason, it feels like 2014 could really make a difference to animal rights on the island, and I know that Larnaca stands in good stead, as there are a number of devoted people who are going to make sure that it happens.

I hope that when the time comes to write part 3 of this comment, that I can categorically state that we are indeed not the barbarians of our reputation but rather heroes in Europe thanks to ordinary, every day people standing up for those who cannot stand up for themselves and really making a difference.

First appeared in The Cyprus Weekly, 11/01/14

Diary of Event -Larnaka Municipality

Chicken Liver Pate

Chicken liver pate is just so easy to make and adds a bit of luxury to your dinner table, as an impressive starter served with slices of French bread. Not only that, it is just a tasty homemade spread to have available for sandwiches or for a snack with savoury biscuits or toast. Here's my tried and tested recipe, hope you like it!


500g Chicken livers
175g Butter
I large onion, roughly chopped
A few sprigs of sage (or thyme)
2 cloves garlic, roughly chopped
A couple of anchovy fillets
4 tablespoons of brandy
2 tablespoons of cream (optional)
Fresh black pepper
About 4 tablespoons of Melted butter


Heat 1 tablespoon of the butter in a large pan.
Add the livers, onion, garlic, anchovies and sage and fry on a low heat until livers are cooked through, about 10 minutes.
Remove the woody part of the sage. Now add the brandy and cook for a little longer until a nice syrupy sauce has formed. Leave to cool just for a little while.

Pour the whole mixture into the food processor, add the rest of the butter and the cream if using, and season with freshly grounded pepper. Process until your mixture is very smooth.
Spoon the pate into ramekins. Pour the melted butter on top of each ramekin just to form a thin layer.

Androulla xx

Education Exhibition in Larnaca

All students and parents are invited to the Education Exhibition at Ktima Makenzy on Sunday 12th January 10am-1pm and 2pm-6pm. Free entrance.

Ballet-tale «The Nutcracker» for kids in Larnaca

Miracles happen not only in the New Year night…

25 and 26 of January 2014 young spectators and their parents will have the unusual meeting: ballet-tale «The Nutcracker» 
(on motives of a fairy tale by E.Hoffman «The Nutcracker and the Mouse king»).

Music by Tchaikovsky.
Libretto by Marius Petipa (abridged version of the ballet performed at the Bolshoi Theatre, Moscow)

Together with the main character of ballet Marie you will find yourself in a room, lit by the moonlight. Suddenly the Christmas tree starts growing before your eyes and toys come alive. Something rustle from underneath of the floor and army of mice appears. Only resourcefulness of Marie and courage of Nutcracker chase away the evil witchcraft of the Mouse king. Wooden toy will turn into a beautiful young prince. Snowflakes swirl under the tender and wonderfully graceful music in the magical dance and Marie with Prince-Nutcracker will get in fairytale Kingdom of dreams…

The main ballet party are performed by professional artists (the soloists of the leading Moscow theatres). Support by students of the Moscow children's art school named after Mikhail Balakirev.

Duration of ballet - 55 minutes without intermission.
Recommended age – from 4 years.

PLACE and TIME of ballet:
25 of January 2014 – Nicosia, Russian cultural centre at 11.00
25 of January 2014 – Larnaca, Theatre SKALA at 17.00
26 of January 2014 - Pafos, Theatre MARKIDEO at 11.00
26 of January 2014 – Limassol, Theatre POLEMIDIA at 17.00.

Price 12 Euro.
More information 96 30 2770 and on

Мы все знаем, как трудно детям высидеть на одном месте длительное время.

Именно поэтому для первого путешествия в мир музыки Чайковского 25 и 26 января 2014 года мы выбрали адаптированную версию всемирно известного балета "Щелкунчик". 
Она длится всего 55 минут. 
За основу либретто взята постановка Мариуса Петипа, которая идет в Большом Театре России, г. Москва.

Еще специально для показа на Кипре волшебник Дроссельмеер в балете будет не только танцевать, но и говорить!
Причем говорить на двух языках: русском и английском. Очень короткая фраза - объяснение предваряет балетную партию, помогая детям понять язык танца, дать импульс их воображению.
Такими короткими фрагментами (слова и танец) дети смогут вживую познакомиться с прекрасным произведением, жемчужиной русского балета - феерией "Щелкунчик".

Основные балетные партии исполняют солисты ведущих московских театров.Кордебалет - ученики московской детской школы искусств им. А.М.Балакирева.

А если ваши дети уже знакомы с балетом, значит их ждет переход на более высокую ступеньку образованного и культурного восприятия - наслаждение от увиденного и услышанного!


25 января в 11.00 –Никосия, Русский культурный центр,
25 января в 17.00 – Ларнака, театр «СКАЛА»,
26 января в 11.00 - Пафос, театр «Маркидео»,
26 января в 17.00 – Лимассол, театр «Полемидия».

Стоимость билетов 12 евро.
Дополнительная информация по телефону 96 30 2770
и на сайте

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