Carrot Soup

For babies above 5 months
Time: 20 minutes
For one portion you will need:
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 spoon of butter
  • 1/4 water

  1. Boil some water.
  2. Peel and dice the carrot, then put it in the pan.
  3. Cook the carrot for 15 minutes
  4. Mix the carrot with butter and rice gruel (you can find an organic recipe below). Alternatively, use baby porridge. 
  5. Add a bit of carrot or vegetable stock. If it's still too thick, add some water.

Walleye Pollock Lunch

For babies 6 months and above
Time: 20 minutes

For one portion you will need:
3 broccolis
1 apple
1 carrot
1 spoon of butter
1/2 walleye pollock fillet
1/2 parsley
1/4 glass of water

  1. Boil water in 2 saucepans
  2. Meanwhile peel, wash and dice the carrot, parsley and the apple.
  3. Cook the pollock for about 10-15 minutes in one saucepan. 
  4. In the other saucepan, cook the carrot and parsley for 8 minutes, and apple and broccolis for 5.
  5. Get rid of the bones in the pollock.
  6. Mix the fish with vegetables and mash them up. You can add some vegetable stock to make it more moisty and easier to eat for younger kids

Salmon and Zucchini

For babies 6 months and above
Time: 20 minutes

For one portion you will need:

  • 1 medium, yellow zucchini
  • 2 tablespoons of diced pumpkin
  • Salmon
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 spoon of butter
  • 1/4 glass of water
  1. Boil water in two saucepans.
  2. Meanwhile, prepare the vegetables and salmon for cooking.
  3. Cook the salmon for about 10-15 minutes in one saucepan. 
  4. In the other saucepan, cook the zucchini and pumpkin for 8 minutes, and carrot for 7.
  5. Get rid of the bones in the salmon.
  6. Mix the salmon with vegetables and mash them up. You can add some vegetable stock to make it more moisty and easier to eat for younger kids.

Rice Baby Gruel

For babies above 5 months

Rice gruel is good for the baby's stomach, as it's easy to digest and soothes the belly. It's also a great additions to our other recipes to make the meals a bit more moist and easier to eat.
You will need
  • 1 cup organic, whole brown rice
  • 2-3 glasses of pure water

  1. Toast the rice lightyin a heavy skillet over medium flame until gold and start to pop. 
  2. Once cool, put the ride in a mill or a blender and blend into a powder. Put in a jar and keep in the fridge for future use.
  3. Boil the water in a pan. When the water in shimmering, add a few tablespoons of the powder and a little bit of sea salt and stir. 
  4. Add water or more powder. The gruel should have a thin, pudding-like texture. This should take about 5 minutes.

Broccoli and Egg Yolk

Time: 15 minutes
Suitable for babies above 7 months

For one portion you will need:
  • Couple of broccolis
  • 1 spoon of butter
  • 1/4 glass of water
  • 1/2 of egg yolk

  1. Boil an egg
  2. In a separate pan boil broccolis, around 5 minutes
  3. Mix egg yolk with broccolis and butter
  4. Mash/blend together and enjoy!

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